Fabulous fundraiser: Nicolas takes on the London Landmarks Half Marathon

Independent Age
Independent Age
Published in
3 min readFeb 8, 2023

This week we’re shining the spotlight on one of our amazing fundraisers to find out why they support Independent Age.

Nicolas Kee Mew is taking part in the London Landmarks Half Marathon this year, his second fundraiser for Independent Age. Over the past 11 years, he’s helped raise more than £5,000 for different charities by taking part in different events, inspired by his work in social care and with older people.

“Last year I was a medallist for the British Citizen Award for Services to Volunteering and Charitable Giving,” he explains. “This has inspired me to continue my volunteering and fundraising work.”

Nicolas, a man with short dark hair and glasses, smiles at the camera while wearing an Independent Age running vest and holding up a yellow running medal he’s been awarded.
This will be the second time Nicolas has taken part in the London Landmarks Half Marathon for Independent Age

For Nicolas, spreading the word about the work of a charity is a key part of why he takes part in events: “Many charities rely on fundraising for income, but it’s not just about the money,” he says. “Fundraising can also promote a charity’s message and goals, encouraging others to get involved and spread the word.”

“I am passionate about empowering older people and I have heard so much positive feedback from people who have used Independent Age’s services.”

In 2022, Nicolas completed the London Landmarks Half Marathon while raising support for Independent Age for the first time.

“I found it very rewarding and feel proud to contribute to the charity,” he explains. “On the day of the run, I was often stopped by people who hadn’t heard of Independent Age before.”

While Nicolas is passionate about supporting older people and the charities that mean a lot to him, it’s his furry friend who keeps him going: “I am a full-time care home manager, trustee for two charities and I volunteer for a few charities too,” he says. “I often find it difficult to find time to train, but my dog Elia is my motivation.”

“She often pushes me to take her out in the evening for a run!”

Nicolas, a man with short dark hair and glasses, smiles at the camera as he holds onto Elia, his dog who has grey and white scruffy fur. Nicolas wears his Independent Age running vest and a running medal.
Elia is often Nicolas’s motivation for training

Having spent the past 11 years fundraising for different charities, Nicolas has taken part in “everything from cake sales to car washes”.

“My birthday is in March and I often ask for sponsorship instead of presents,” he says. “People have been very supportive for many years and I’m so grateful to anyone who can contribute towards my fundraising.”

If you’d like to support Nicolas on his London Landmarks Half Marathon journey and help us continue working with older people, you can visit his fundraising page here.

If Nicolas (and Elia) have inspired you to explore fundraising yourself, you can find out more about our many different opportunities here. From setting up a pub quiz or a crafts night to 10ks and marathons, there’s something for everyone.

Your support and generosity enables us to support older people with services including our free Helpline, along with dedicated advice and information. We’re always very grateful for any help you can give.

