Imogen’s Story

Eleanor Killner
Independent Age
Published in
2 min readDec 13, 2021

“Judy and I just clicked from the beginning. I’m 24 and she’s 84, but it’s like speaking to a friend. I really look forward to talking to her — we always have a good chat.”

Imogen became a telephone volunteer for Independent Age and was matched with Judy 18 months ago. Imogen tells us about their calls and how Judy’s stories about the war, her travels and the outfits she used to wear have given Imogen a different perspective.

“We’ve been chatting for about 18 months now. I genuinely enjoy speaking to people who are older, getting a completely different perspective from a different generation. I’ve always found it interesting to hear about how life used to be, and I get wisdom and comfort from speaking to people who’ve lived for so long.

I’ve also always been concerned about people who are lonely. I think loneliness is heart-breaking, and I find it incredibly sad. I was looking for a charity that focused on loneliness when I came across Independent Age.

Judy and I chat every week and it’s uplifting for both of us. Judy talks about her past and the travelling she’s done, and she tells me about when she was younger. I find it so enriching to hear her stories.

She tells me about the war, she talks to me about historical events, and about the outfits she would have worn at different times. It’s another world to me.

Judy has had such an interesting life. I’m young and haven’t had a lot of the experiences yet that she’s had. It’s lovely to listen to her. Her childhood and her life when she was my age was completely different and her perspective on life now is so interesting.

I share stories with her about the places I’ve been to, and I talk a little about my boyfriend and my job. I’m a primary school teacher. We chat about anything funny or interesting that’s happened.

I’ve learnt things from her. I live in the countryside in Cornwall, and I don’t know London well. It’s been interesting to hear what it was like there during her childhood.

By the end of the conversation, we’re always laughing and having fun. I feel better after a call with Judy and uplifted in the same way that I do if I catch up with any friend. Judy and I have definitely become closer over the months. She’s so warm and chatty and so easy to get along with. We’re more able to joke; we can be a bit sillier together.

Volunteering for Independent Age is so rewarding. I’m pleased when Judy says she looks forward to talking to me and is grateful for our chat. I feel pleased that I’ve done something good. I’d encourage anyone else thinking about volunteering to definitely do it. It enriches your life, and you find out about a whole other world. It gives you a lovely feeling to think you’re making a difference to someone else.”



Eleanor Killner
Independent Age

Volunteering Engagement Assistant at Independent Age.