Going the extra miles: The PIC employees fundraising for Independent Age at this year’s London Marathon

Independent Age
Independent Age
Published in
5 min readApr 18, 2024

Ahead of the 2024 London Marathon, we caught up with two of our fabulous fundraisers from Pension Insurance Corporation (PIC) tospon find out how they’re feeling ahead of the big race.

Cleo (left) and Tristan (right) running in previous London Marathons.

For both Cleo and Tristan, it’s clear that this isn’t their first rodeo.

This will be Cleo’s fifth London Marathon, and Tristan’s second for Independent Age, but tenth overall! Both are aiming to run an impressive sub 3 hour and 45 minute race and as you can expect from two such seasoned veterans, running is in their blood.

Cleo explains:

“Running for me is more than just a hobby, it’s a lifestyle. It’s my ‘me’ time away from my busy life and young children. It keeps me healthy mentally as well as physically. I enjoy coupling such endurance events with fundraising efforts as there are so many charities that need support.”

As if running a marathon wasn’t enough of a challenge on its own, Tristan likes to add another complication the 26.2 mile ordeal. Whether it’s a very on brand penguin (PIC’s corporate logo), He-Man, Superman or Skeletor, Tristan never fails to disappoint with his costume and we’re keen to see what he decides on this year:

“There’s something very special about the London Marathon particularly. It’s certainly an excuse to get dressed up and I’ve generally run them in some form of fancy dress. I have let top sponsors pick my outfits in the past. Maybe it slows me down a little but I’ve never regretted it — the amazing reaction from the crowd, in particular the children, is something to treasure.”

Tristan in his various costumes over the years

Despite their previous marathon experience, it hasn’t been plain sailing going into this year’s event for either runner.

Cleo has had her training interrupted by injury and illness but is confident she has managed to get in the right amount of training to keep injury-free and feeling healthy on race day.

Tristan hasn’t had it all his own way either, when asked how training had gone, he said:

“Training for the 2024 London Marathon has been more of a sprint rather than, err, a Marathon but I’m enjoying it finally coming together as the weather is getting nicer. It’s very satisfying to see my fitness improve bit by bit. I’m not going to set any personal records but I am more confident now that I. Will. Get. Round — and I know that I’m going to have an amazing day doing it.”

PIC has been a corporate partner of Independent Age for nearly five years, which is how both runners first heard of the charity. Over this time, employees of PIC have learned a lot about what Independent Age does, as Tristan explains:

“A number of my close colleagues give some of their time with older people supported by Independent Age and find that incredibly rewarding, and I’ve met a number of beneficiaries at various events. Many people in my company are very proud of the partnership between PIC and Independent Age, and really recognise the valuable work that they do. Their work to improve later life for everyone in the UK is vitally important — even more so in the current cost-of-living crisis.”

We asked what they would say to anyone thinking of taking up a fundraising challenge and both gave very similar answers. Cleo said:

“Setting yourself a goal like a marathon provides such great focus and motivation. It helps get you out on rainy days and build confidence in achieving something you may not have thought possible. Fundraising for a charity is equally as rewarding and I’m always blown away by how generous people are to support my fundraising efforts.”

Cleo and her loyal training partner out on a run

Tristan added:

“It adds another dimension to your own personal achievement — you’re helping to change other people’s lives for the better as well as your own. Whatever challenge you are thinking about, having a charity to support — and to support you — can really help you get there, and feel even better about it at the end. Enjoy your moment and your achievement. Recognise that you are doing something rewarding — for yourself and for others. HAVE. FUN.”

If you’d like to support Cleo and Tristan on their London Marathon journey and help us continue working with older people, you can donate online here: Cleo Fitzsimons and Tristan Walker-Buckton.

If Cleo and Tristan have inspired you to explore fundraising yourself, you can find out more about our many different opportunities here. From setting up a pub quiz or a crafts night to 10ks and marathons, there’s something for everyone.

Your support and generosity enables us to support older people with services including our free Helpline, along with dedicated advice and information. We’re always very grateful for any help you can give.

