Where there’s a Will…

Independent Age
Independent Age
Published in
2 min readOct 19, 2022

Will-writing just got much easier

Despite it being one of the most important things you can do in your life, it’s estimated that two-thirds of the adult population in the UK have yet to make a will. The assumption is that it’s a complicated and expensive process but, in reality, it’s neither.

Independent Age has recently teamed up with The Goodwill Partnership to ensure Will-making is even more affordable and simple for everyone. Home visits are conducted by trained professionals, who then pass on your instructions to a panel solicitor, who will write your Will for you.

Two-thirds of the adult population in the UK have yet to make a Will.

All the solicitors in the scheme are members of the Law Society, so you’ll be in safe hands. The cost of a single Will is £108 (+VAT), making it the lowest price for a face-to-face Will-writing service in England and Wales.

Last year, we received £1 million in generous donations from our supporters’ Wills, enabling us to continue our vital work.

Of course, there’s no obligation to include a gift for Independent Age — we know that people will want to take care of their nearest and dearest first. But even just 1% of what’s left can have a tremendous effect on our work.

Easy to arrange

You can contact The Goodwill Partnership by calling 01492 510 340 or arrange an appointment by visiting thegoodwillpartnership.co.uk. You can contact Independent Age at legacies@independentage.org or by calling 020 7605 4223.

