Do “Name Your Price” Film Bundles Make Sense For Indie Film Distribution?

(Well, we’re gonna find out!)

Marc Schiller
 Independent Cinema 


The best part about launching BOND/360 is that we don’t have to ask permission to take risks.

Starting at midnight tonight, we’re launching one of the most unique experiments (and collaborations) we’ve ever done.

With the theme of “CREATIVITY” acting as our curatorial guide, at midnight tonight movie fans can purchase four award winning films — Helvetica, Indie Game: The Movie, Sign Painters, and Beauty Is Embarrassing — for whatever they decide to pay for them. (If they pay $15 or more, they’re rewarded with over an hour of additional bonus content)

Each of these four films share many things (including the fact that they are all terrifically entertaining) But for me, the most important thing they share is the fact that they were made by a group of incredibly talented filmmakers who are all driven by the spirit of entrepreneurism and innovation.

We’re proud that BOND/360 is part of a new community of film professionals (directors, producers, distributors, technologists, marketers, etc) who share a common desire to collaborate so that together we can develop new business models and revenue streams that benefit all of us.

For movie lovers in over 230 countries, the CREATIVITY BUNDLE is a fantastic offer. But for us, its an opportunity to “test and learn” and build new platforms for the distribution of our films.

How much will people choose to pay for the films? What will be the average price?

How much revenue can it generate?

We won’t have these answers until next week. But when we have them, we’ll share them with you.

Be sure to check out the CINEPACK bundles. The “Creativity Bundle” officially launches at midnight tonight (but is technically live for sale now). If you haven’t seen these films yet, they’re all fantastic.




PS — We’ll be doing many more of these bundles. Upcoming themes include “SPORTS” “MUSIC” and “ART” So if you have a film you’d like us to consider, drop me a note.



Marc Schiller
 Independent Cinema 

CEO of BOND Strategy and Influence & BOND/360 As Well As Co-Founder Of Wooster Collective /