Week 3

Eliza Pratt
Independent Study S2021
2 min readMar 2, 2021

Trying to learn new software


  • Make a research blog 😎
  • Buy On Growth and Form book
  • Make something in Rhino with Grasshopper (a ring would be a good start)
  • Do something with voronoi, “Just get it out now”


Book came!

I severely underestimated how long it would take me to learn new software.

I’ve been playing around with rhino and grasshopper and trying to get an idea for how the different connections work. So far I do not like it and it might just be a result of being overwhelmed by its functionality. I’ve been watching a lot of tutorials trying to understand the basics, but I think the part that I was actually interested in is the use of scripts. So far I’m nowhere close to that.

I’ve been blindly following tutorials but the amount of things I don’t understand is,,,so vast

Got sidetracked(?) and have been trying to develop the voronoi algorithm from scratch in p5. There’s already a library for this in p5 and a function for it in Rhino, but I feel like it would be helpful to understand how it works so I can build off of it. I didn’t think it would be too difficult but I also underestimate how confused I get by geometry. I’ve scoured a lot of online sources and none of them seem to do it in the way I’m looking for.

I have it working with (albeit inefficient) point sampling, and I’ve been in the process of implementing it mathematically.

In an effort to simplify things, I installed Fogleman’s library (after much hair pulling trying to navigate the terminal instructions). It seems very similar to the openSCAD framework, with more “blobby” functionality. Here’s a Cranium board game piece.

