Week 4

Eliza Pratt
Independent Study S2021
3 min readMar 12, 2021

doing more stuff


  • read through book
  • model something and get it printed
  • finish applying for studio grant

More Voronoi (I’ll try to stop here)

Just to get it out of my system, I downloaded the p5 voronoi library just to see what was possible. I was actually disappointed by the limited functionality, as there doesn’t seem to be a way to set non-square boundaries or get the points of individual vertices.

Whenever I have a thought for something new to try out I always revert to p5 first. I’m not sure if this is a habit I should try to break out of to try and force myself to get better with Rhino / SDF modeling since it keeps me in the 2D realm, but I feel like it’s a quick way to try out certain ideas.

Diffusion-limited aggregation

Fun with brownian trees! I looked at many examples online and tried a very quick and not-quite-there-yet implementation of it in p5. If i were to explore this direction I’d probably work with an existing sketch. Golan you have a broken link to a Processing sketch for dendrites on the morphogenesis repo on Github. Remind me to ask you for that sketch.

Reading On growth and Form

This book is cool. Like, really cool. There’s so much to page through but I keep coming back to these drawings of droplets falling and/or diffusing into liquid. My first instinct is to model one of these polyp shapes using SDFs just based on the diagrams, but I feel like it would be great if I could somehow model them with fluid simulations? Maybe diffusion + gravity? Recursion??

I love how the book compares the structure of non-living phenomena to the structure of living organisms. Like Figure 118, a splash of liquid takes the same form as a hydroid polyp. I don’t know what to do with that information. but wow!!

