Week 16_Prototyping & Storytelling

April 27— May 2, 2020

Jisoo Shon
Index Project Challenge
5 min readMay 10, 2020


<04/27 Class Feedback>

In today’s class, we got feedback around the presentation deck, product’s wireframe, and storyboarding for showing our concept. Overall we agreed on Peter and Aadya’s points and got this question “How can we make this system more understandable for users?” to communicate our concept more effectively.

  1. Product wireframe
  • Additional questions &answers on the My policy page
    We need to define appropriate questions and also supported answers for those questions.
  • Showing no match on the Match page
    User should easily understand this part, and the expected action of a user should be more considered.
  • Suggesting alternative apps
    Is this part will automatically be connected to Apple’s app store? How the experience will look like? What is the expected interaction?

2. Storyboarding

  • Quick concept showing + related episodes that represent our product’s features
    During the peer review session, we got positive feedback on the strong concept storyboarding. Like current Apple’s storytelling in their advertising video, we decided to make our concept video as clear, sensitive, and metaphorical as possible.

3. Slidedeck

  • Make Introduction more relatable
    Think about some initiating prompts like “have you ever read amazon’s privacy policy?”, and “Know about everything that belongs to you”.

<04/28–29 Prepare Dryrun>

  • Developing a story for the presentation

We decided to use storyboarding clips(which comes from video narrative) as a tool to communicate with the audience. Especially utilizing physical metaphor to give a visual sense (e.g data crumble)

  • Things to mention in our presentation
  1. Why we choose product level and Apple iOS ecosystem as a platform?
  2. Where/ What is our stance compared to current opinion leaders
  3. Relationship between Policy — Company
  4. MLP perspective
  5. Working logic (application) behind the scene

<04/30–5/2 Group Meetings>

💎 iPrivacy

Now we have named this privacy solution and application as “iPrivacy”. Because it’s the system embedded in the Apple iOS, also, we wanted to highlight the relationship between iPrivacy and users themselves. “I” implies that the user will become the agent of privacy protection and management.

  • Finalizing Product - UI Design

From this point, it was important to specify the product design that had been developed so far and to clarify the features through UX/UI flow. Before shooting the video, we tried to finalize those scenes that needed for video narration by exchanging opinions and ideas over three days.

  • User creating personalized privacy policy- Onboarding + policy overview
  • Start from app alert(blue icon), the user can review the service that isn’t a good match and see the details of mismatch. Choose between actional outcomes: Give full permission, Give limited permission / Erase, find alternatives.
  • Review own data footprint, the amount and kind of data being generated and easily make a request for erasure/ rectification
Ver 1–3
Ver 4–5

In particular, we were obstructed from the idea of visualizing the user-generated policy, which was a key part of our idea and essential feature from the beginning sketch, so we completed the logic behind it through extensive discussions and referred to Apple’s data visualization format. Following is the flow of development:

  • Storyboarding [Intro + 3 episodes]

Meanwhile, we completed storyboards and narration that will be filmed in the next few days. In the intro clip, we talk about what digital data means in modern society and how it lies with users, say that protecting data is about protecting ourselves. Then those episodes are coming to show three key features.

  1. Privacy policy:
  2. Policy Match:
  3. Data crumbs:
Scenario boards
UI presentation reference (by Apple)

