Week 10_Preparing for presentation

Jiyoung Ohn
Index Project Challenge
3 min readApr 2, 2020

March 16 — March 21, 2020


💻 Change to virtual mode

This week, all the classes were moved to virtual classes because of Covid-19. To make a new strategy to keep up with the teamwork, we had our first virtual meeting today. From this meeting, we shared our plan for the rest of the semester and decided to use the following tools/platform to help us communicate remotely.

  • Zoom — for meeting
  • Google Drive — to share resources
  • Mural — Whiteboarding

Thankfully, my team is all staying in the same time-zone, so it will be easier to set a time to work together. We also discussed what time we should meet regularly.


💡 Extracting insights from the generative workshop

Today, we reviewed the workshop that we did and extracted insights. We were a little frustrated as we didn’t have a tangible outcome (drawing or writings) from the workshop. However, we had some recordings and workbooks that participants filled in, so we listed the insights based on the materials.

We started by listing all the insights and then grouping them into categories. Some of the insights we got are the following.

  • Awareness:
    Users are aware of data collection; Unaware about types of data collected
    - Users want to how and why data is collected and distributed
    - Awareness about privacy tends to be higher in cases where
    users are identified or targeted as individuals and not aggregate
  • Value of privacy
    - Privacy has a different connotation for different services
    - There are value tensions exist between ‘service values’ and privacy
  • Control
    Users would like a convenient method to exercise control
    - Users would like to have a say in data collection and
    Propagation for digital profiling
    - Currently, ramifications do not provide enough motivation to exercise agency

We also were able to extract some keywords about the ideal future that the participants imagined.

  • Data control
  • Visualization
  • A safe personal space
  • Creating a protocol, a set of rules
  • Incentives and punishment

Overall, we realized that what we learned from the workshop is not that different from what we thought before the workshop. However, it was really interesting to see how differently people perceived privacy and varying degree of interest in this subject matter. Also, we realized privacy can mean different things according to the service/platform.


🔑 Generating concepts

Based on the insights, we started to generate different concepts. Since we had lots of insights that are spread out over different areas, we first started ideation by writing all the opportunity space we identified from the workshop. Then we categorized them to find the following main concept directions.

  • Highlight ramifications and backtracking to choices made by users
  • Create awareness around digital profiling and provide an opportunity to re-envision
  • A way to understand the trade-offs, opportunities, and risks associated with data use
  • Provide transparency for how user data is shared between different digital services

We decided to divide assign these four topics to each person and develop the idea to make scenarios.

