INDEX Liquidity Mining is Now Live

Read this guide to learn how you can earn INDEX tokens.

Anthony Sassano
The Index Coop
3 min readOct 7, 2020


The liquidity mining program for the Index Cooperative is now live! 9% of all INDEX tokens (900,000) has been allocated to this program and will be distributed to DPI/ETH liquidity providers over the next 60 days. These tokens are not subject to any vesting period.

If you’re unfamiliar with the Index Cooperative, please read this blog post before continuing on with this guide.

To help you get started, we’ve put together this handy guide.

Acquiring the DeFi Pulse Index Set

Users interested in participating in the liquidity mining program will first need to acquire the DeFi Pulse Index Set (DPI) on TokenSets. A simple UI to do so can be found here.

The TokenSets interface for buying the DeFi Pulse Index

Adding Liquidity to Uniswap

Once you have some DPI tokens, head to the Uniswap page for the ETH/DPI pool. From here, you can add liquidity to the ETH/DPI Uniswap pool in order to mint Uniswap liquidity provider (LP) tokens. You must provide liquidity in an equal 50% weight fashion — so if you have $1000 worth of DPI tokens, you will need to provide $1000 worth of ETH in order to provide liquidity. Alternatively, you can trade $500 worth of DPI for ETH and then provide $500 of DPI and $500 of ETH as liquidity.

Once you have provided liquidity and received your LP tokens, head to the Index Coop website here.

The Uniswap LP interface

Staking Your Uniswap LP Tokens

Once you’re on the Index Coop website, click the Farm link at the top of the page. If you haven’t done so already, click the Unlock Wallet button at the top right and connect your wallet to the website.

Once you’re connected, hit the Approve staking button and confirm the transaction on your wallet. Once the transaction is confirmed, hit the Stake button and input the amount of of ETH/DPI LP tokens you wish to stake, then hit the Stake button and confirm the transaction.

The Index Coop staking interface

Claiming Your INDEX Token Rewards

The INDEX token rewards will accrue to you on a block-by-block basis and you can claim them at any time. To save on Ethereum gas fees, it’s best to claim periodically rather than frequently. When you are ready to claim your tokens, you can simply hit the Claim button and confirm the transaction on your wallet. Alternatively, you can claim and unstake your LP tokens in one transaction by clicking Claim & Unstake.

Note that, while the Index Coop website provides a simple user interface to interact with the Index Coop farms, it is only a user interface, and sophisticated users can also interact directly with the Index Coop smart contracts on-chain. Over time, we expect and hope to see other UI’s and integrations to emerge for the Index Coop community to utilize.

Smart Contracts

The smart contracts used within the Index Coop system have not been audited, but are currently using minimally modified Solidity code utilized in the Uniswap and Compound codebases. Ensure you understand any modifications made by using tools like’s contract diff checker.

INDEX Token: 0x0954906da0Bf32d5479e25f46056d22f08464cab

Index Coop Multisig: 0x9467cfADC9DE245010dF95Ec6a585A506A8ad5FC

Uniswap DPI/ETH Pool: 0x4d5ef58aac27d99935e5b6b4a6778ff292059991

Uniswap DPI/ETH StakingRewards: 0x8f06FBA4684B5E0988F215a47775Bb611Af0F986

Merkle Distributor: 0xDD111F0fc07F4D89ED6ff96DBAB19a61450b8435

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