Chandrayaan- The Moon Vehicle

Preethi Saravanakumar
Published in
Aug 24, 2023


An Acrostic Poem

Photo by NASA on Unsplash

Chariot of majestic meticulous establishment,

Humanity raising through the innovating intellect.
Assuring future prospects and development,
Nuances nurtured until negligence nullified.
Determined to master and execute precision,
Robust design coupled with reinforcing intent,
Aesthetic motion of dignity that prompts power,
Yesteryears revived to reach compelling heights,
Admirable footprints marked in History alike!
Ancient achievements borne in spirited hearts,
Nation smiles as the Golden Bird humbly soars!



Preethi Saravanakumar

Multiple award winning Poet/ Writer. I have published three poetry books, two Children’s Picture books, and one Nonfiction book. @Preethi_Saravanakumar