Man vs Woman: Quantifying Pain

Woman on periods vs Man kicked in balls!

Mohit Sarohi
India on Run
1 min readAug 16, 2020


Source: Quantified Emotions

I know this is insane and illogical. But I can’t let go of the idea of quantifying this thing. Note: I don’t intend to undermine the feelings of a specific. (Though I consider myself to be a feminist.) And this is a more generalized version addressing the majority.

A man kicked in balls will have a choking feeling, which makes you forget even about breathing. Though this feeling is short-lived and only happens when you do something bad that made you (probably) deserve a kick in the balls.

Whereas, a girl will have her periods every month irrespective of her behaviors with others. This monthly routine of the menstrual cycle has been bestowed upon them by nature, which brings a package of unwarranted experiences like nausea, headaches, cramps, and blood spilling everywhere.

Although, these unwarranted experiences are collateral of the most powerful thing a human being can do — giving birth. Still, this biased makes me question the intent of our patriarchal God(s). And yet, men being ungrateful for such brevity is beyond logic.

Anyway, Power to women. Power to equality.



Mohit Sarohi
India on Run

An unused MBA degree and (pro-left) liberal world-view. I write about topics like cultural parallel, India, and society. 📧: