Sushant Singh Rajput case completes a full circle

And we are back to ground zero!

Mohit Sarohi
India on Run
2 min readSep 10, 2020


When there was very little information on Sushant Singh’s case everybody considered it as a suicide. There were even reports that Sushant Singh Rajput was depressed. For the first few days, media focused on Mental Health like never before. I even saw hopes that there might be some constructive changes to cater to issues related to mental health.

Then Kangana Ranaut accused Bollywood of nurturing extensive nepotism (and rightfully so), that led to the SSR’s suicide.

Indian civilians, being already shattered by the SSR’s death, needed someone to blame. The campaign against nepotism took charge. The media saw an opportunity on the basis of the traction this particular issue was gaining. There was a lucrative opportunity to exploit the emotions of passion-fueled civilians.

Hence, with each revelation, there was a new hypothesis ultimately leading to the arrest of Rhea Chakraborty’s arrest for being in contact with drug (marijuana) peddlers. As per Rhea, ‘Sushant was depressed’, which explains the marijuana (weed) consumption. Marijuana is illegally used as a muscle relaxant and to treat anxiety.

And just like that, we have completed a full circle of the Sushant Singh Rajput’s murder case. Reaching to square one should also highlight that we might not know what actually happened.

Our emotional outburst is triggering us to blame someone, while there might be no one to blame. That’s basic human psychology: We believe that someone is responsible for everything that is happening, completely sidelining the fact that sometimes consequences don’t permit fairness in life.

Nepotism should be tackled in Bollywood, as much as it should be in other walks of our Indian society. People committing suicide for not getting a seat in a government exam because ‘sifarishi’ people got some seats are normalized and remain unnoticed. That’s also nepotism. Please do initiate a campaign against that as well.

Couples, even friends, do collaborate for some projects, that in turn might require a bank account transaction which is different from money laundering. There’s a possibility of both in this case.

There’s a difference between occasional marijuana consumption or severe marijuana consumption. In metro cities, it is consumed casually like alcohol and cigarettes, as well as people going through severe depression take marijuana to numb themselves. Though, there’s no denying that some people do abuse these drugs, which is a concern.



Mohit Sarohi
India on Run

An unused MBA degree and (pro-left) liberal world-view. I write about topics like cultural parallel, India, and society. 📧: