Was it our greed that led this pandemic?

Shivpriya singh
India Writes Against Covid
2 min readAug 8, 2020

Human greed never ends, if we look back in history we’ll find that this greed has accompanied us from a very long time now, and be it greed for more power, more money, more followers, more resources and whatnot, we humans never fail to destroy rather ‘utilize’ anything and everything to its core, which usually ends up getting extinct or defunct. We belong from an era in which one might call creative self-destruction the same way diamond cuts diamonds, we humans cut others in order to boot up what we already have. We might have stashed all our greed and cunningness well with continuing atrocities on Mother Nature and other living beings till now but looks like tables have turned now. Our generation never really experienced anything like COVID-19 before, one virus has locked down almost the whole world. Now that the roads usually are ‘car-free’ the pollution has reduced and we see elephants roaming in the roads of Dehradun or leopards walking inside and out a mosque in Hyderabad which simply implies the fact that this planet belongs to others as well.

Theories say that in order to gain more power China was creating this virus for other countries as a weapon in some lab and accidentally it spread all over even in its own city Wuhan. If this is what actually happened then they might have succeeded in some way although even they had to face the consequences. The greed to become a superpower led the whole world to come to a halt. Nothing as such is sure but this is just a theory that circulates the whole world.

This virus is said to be originated from a bat, all of us must have cursed that bat a million times but aren’t we at fault. We have been manipulating forests and animals for our profit from so many years. Invading the ecosystem which happens to be home for animals, plants, insects, etc. This led new pathogens to occur, every time we disturbed the ecosystem, a new virus be it MERS, SARS, Ebola, HIV or even COVID-19 has originated as the virus jumps from animals to humans. Human species with zero respect for other species and even for other human beings is at the root of this pandemic and many more pandemics to come. Scientists claim that if we don’t stop this anthropogenic war between earth and humans then one day we humans will become extinct whereas earth will continue to evolve with or without us. We need to come out of this facade world we live in, in which humans are the strongest.

Even now during this pandemic, we see how greedy humans are by hoarding up on grocery supplies. we need to understand that the greed for anything will not end up well for us. Just like humans didn’t give time to nature to replenish the same way COVID is also not giving time to humans to arrange land for burials. Yours, ours and every human's greed led to this pandemic.

