Organization of Islamic Cooperation

Pavittar Singh
Published in
3 min readFeb 26, 2019

About OIC

The Organization is the collective voice of the Muslim world.
It endeavors to safeguard and protect the interests of the Muslim world in the spirit of promoting international peace and harmony among various people of the world.

Established in a Summit
Rabat, Kingdom of Morocco on 12th Rajab 1389 Hijra (25 September 1969) following the criminal arson of Al-Aqsa Mosque in occupied Jerusalem.

The Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) is the second largest inter-governmental organization after the United Nations with a membership of 57 states spread over four continents.

28 June, 2011: Name & Logo Change
Former Name: Organisation of the Islamic Conference

OIC’s key bodies

  • The Islamic Summit,
  • The Council of Foreign Ministers (CFM),
  • The General Secretariat,
  • Al-Quds Committee + 3 permanent committees (concerned with science and technology, economy and trade, and information and culture).

There are also specialized organs under the banner of the OIC including

  • Islamic Development Bank
  • Islamic Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization,
  • Subsidiary and Affiliate organs: that play a vital role in boosting cooperation in various fields among the OIC member states.

Goal (as per its Charter)

OIC aims to preserve Islamic social and economic values; promote solidarity amongst member states; increase cooperation in social, economic, cultural, scientific, and political areas; uphold international peace and security; and advance education, particularly in the fields of science and technology.

March 2008, OIC choose to support Charter of United Nations & International Law, without mentioning Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

The aims of OIC, as set out in the Charter adopted in 1972 are :

  1. To promote Islamic solidarity among member-States
  2. To consolidate co-operation among member-states in the economic, social, cultural, scientific and other vital fields. and to arrange consultations among member States belonging to international organizations
  3. To endeavor to eliminate racial segregation and discrimination and to eradicate colonialism in all its forms
  4. To take necessary measures to support international peace and security founded on justice.
  5. To coordinate all efforts for the safeguard of the Holy Places and support of the struggle of the people of Palestine and help them to regain their rights and liberate their land.
  6. To strengthen the struggle of all Muslim people with a view to safeguarding their dignity, independence and national rights
  7. To make suitable atmosphere for the promotion of cooperation and understanding among member States and other countries.

Major Organs of OIC

Islamic Reinsurance Corporation

  • supports education of Muslim communities throughout the World

Islamic Solidarity Fund

  • helped to establish Islamic Universities in Niger, Uganda and Malaysia.

In the political field, however, the organization is mainly concerned with the recognition of the rights of Palestinian and the PLO. The 1981 Summit Conference called for a Jihad (holy war — though not necessarily in a military sense) for the liberation of Jerusalem and the Israeli-occupied territories. Also, this was to include an Islamic economic boycott of Israel. In the last 15 years it demanded, among others, for the withdrawal of Soviet troops from Afghanistan. The Conference had asked its members not to participate in the 1980 Olympics unless the Soviet troops had withdrawn from Afghanistan. Though it is not very successful in building cooperation and consensus in political field, it is nonetheless an important international community-group.

Why is it important?

  • India is not a member of OIC, neither an Observer state.
  • India has 2nd largest Muslim population.
  • During the first summit India was invited & dis-invited due to pressure from Pakistan. Pakistan was in influential position back then.
  • India has been seeking at least an observer seat at OIC, but hasn’t been provided so.
  • Pakistan has been using OIC to raise the Kashmir Issue, often targeting India & presenting it in the bad light.
  • India has been criticized & often talked ill by OIC.
  • Many member nations of OIC such as Bangladesh, Iran etc. has been supporting India at OIC on the other hand.
  • India has been invited to attend the latest meet of OIC, as an guest of honor. (View the news snippet at the start).

