Ranjana Mishra
Published in
3 min readDec 29, 2016

Attending chores in the morning, hurrying to work and in the meantime blaming kaamwali bai for being late, grocery wala for sending stale Paneer and neighbor for parking his car on the way of my parking, life is full of so many imperfect people situations and problems!

I was still in the complaining mode, with my superiority playing in my head and driving fast as I was already late for work! Suddenly, I saw a very old couple (must be 75+) in a Kinetic Honda scooter driving slowly on the busy street with a small placard, kept/wrapped somehow on the handle of the scooter and there were few words written on it in a colorful and attractive manner, and the words were


City page of local news papers were talking about some traffic rules awareness drive and citizen’s involvement in the programme since last couple of days. They write about something or the other every day, who reads such things in the morning paper! I did not even bother to look at it.

They were part of a group of volunteers.

A common middle class couple, whose life normally revolves around kids education daughters marriage and saving money in a conservative way, who seem to follow the rut called middle class existence. Wife was wearing a simple synthetic sari and a bindi on her forehead, the husband was also very plainly dressed, only this much I could gather from a distance! There was no apparent need for them to participate in such campaign, they could have very well chosen to sit back in the comfort of their home, watch TV and discuss politics! But nope, there they were! Doing something which they think will make a difference!

I have read/heard/seen those words BE THE CHANGE YOU WANT TO SEE many a times, read it, thought about it and the words took a backseat as there were always more important thoughts to attend like blaming other for the quality of life which existed around me. We all do it, nonetheless, sometime or the other, unknowingly! I saw them for probably less then half a minute but somehow, those words and the simplicity and directness of the message the couple conveyed, was so overwhelming, my eyes were moist! I was surprised at this sudden flow of emotion in me as I consider myself a strong person and have faced life ups and down without making others realize what exactly I am going through. But an old couple driving slowly in a busy street where everyone is busy with ones agenda and rushing around made me cry!

What was it that made me cry? I was wondering and then a small voice deep within me said — it is honesty and belief of the couple in those seven words had the effect on me! I wanted to go back to them, hug them and thank them for making it so simple and genuine for me, but I couldn’t! May be I did the right thing by not going back to them as they were playing their role in the drama of life very honestly and I had no business interrupting them in any way, not even for a small thanks.

Life goes on, I still remember them, mostly in the times of confusion and chaos and my face always lights up with a smile.

