It’s All About Priority..

irfan uddin
Published in
4 min readFeb 26, 2017

Since the creation of universe everything continuously change.

There was a time when human beings were uncivilised and live like savages in forests. But now we have stepped on the moon. We have conquered nature. We have now become civilised (though still we are not civilised in real senses) This is nothing but change……

In fact, everything within and around us changes with time, age, circumstances and situations…… Since the birth, till the death, things always change…… and so does our priorities.

Yes, our priorities never remain same rather it changes at different stages of our life. For example, during childhood there was nothing like priority in our dictionary or even if it was there, then it was only to have fun with anything or everything around us. But once we were into adolescence, we started thinking about our studies and future career. Then the only priority was to complete studies with whatever resources we had and get a respectful job.

Thereafter, things like having own house, getting married, taking care of old ailing parents, having kids and then nurturing them properly to make them a good human being etc. etc. used to be our priorities.

In this run of life there comes a time when we start feeling that things in our personal as well as professional life are all set and we can spare some time to follow those old hobbies which somehow left behind and could not be followed while focusing on our other priorities.

Friends that’s what happened with me couple of years back, the time span of my life when things were going smoothly in my personal as well as professional life(MAASHA-ALLAH) and I was able to focus my attention towards one of my passions i.e. “penning down all those thoughts coming into my idle mind and establishing my own blog .”

I can say you that journey with my blog and fellow bloggers was simply awesome. Writing the blog and interacting with like minded fellow bloggers/writers made my life so much better that now I know a lot more about myself. In fact it gave me an opportunity to discover a new ME.

Though it could have been much better, but there comes a nasty phase in our life when suddenly we find ourselves all stuck in things which changes the entire course of action in our life and we just cannot do what we like most to do and that’s what happened with me, which actually forced me to change my priority at that point of time. Hence unwillingly I had to stop writing/blogging and started concentrating on other priorities which suddenly came in front of me, craving for my attention.

But somewhere inside me that scribbler was still alive and waiting for the right moment to start again. Now with the grace of the Almighty and blessings of my dear ones, after couple of years once again when I am in a position to carry forward my passion for writing(ALHAMDULILLAH) and was desperately trying to come out of writer’s block. Fortunately I got the platform of INDIA-MAG to start my second inning here as a writer.

Though, I never ever consider myself as a writer, because according to Wikipediawriter is a person who uses written words in various styles and techniques to communicate his/her ideas. Writers produce various forms of literary art and creative writing such as novels, short stories, poetry, plays, screenplays, and essays. Moreover writers’ texts are published across a range of media”. Whereas I am nothing of this sort and my writing is simply about “what I feel and how I feel about the happenings around me”. Which may appeal you, if you are a follower of your surroundings. Now its up to you to decide whether I am a writer or not. But for that you will have to read my couple of upcoming posts.

So please go through my future write-ups and do share your valuable suggestions in comment box. Because your valuable responses are going to help me a lot in due course of time.

Finally, I take this opportunity to thank INDIA-MAG for giving me a chance for broadening my horizons through by accepting me as a writer.




irfan uddin

I simply talk about “what I feel and how I feel about the happenings around me”…Which may appeal you.