Silent issue of a Man…..

irfan uddin
Published in
5 min readMar 7, 2017

Friends, on the eve of International Women’s Day, while I am writing this, my inbox is almost filled with messages from Women as well as Men from all walk of life and all of them praising women like how women make sacrifices, how they manage work and home simultaneously and not to mention how they are being abused by fellow men in their day to day life….etc….etc….

Interestingly, there are couple of men and women among them, who have sent these beautiful messages, whom I know personally and they never leave any chance to let down women or men in their lives…..but here they are celebrating International Women’s Day 2017 with all enthusiasm and why not, this is the beauty of virtual world, where we always pretend to be a good human being.

Anyway, leave it, because today I am here to talk more for men - because discussions on gender always tend to leave men. I know talking about men on the eve of Women’s Day sounds little wired, but I think we write and talk a lot about women’s rights, about stronger laws to protect women and about punishing those men who violate these laws.

If you think I sound bitter about Women’s day or if you think that being a man, I just don’t like women coming equal to men, then let me tell you that I always believe in the proverb saying A noble woman is the crown of her husband”.

“Thanks for making my life so beautiful”

This is not because she’s merely decorative, but because she is someone who makes an average man great. Not to mention here, that a woman who is in my life, transformed me from a careless bachelor into a purposeful man and a responsible husband ! Anyway, enough of me now, I am not here to prove, “who or what I am….”

Actually, my idle mind is little confused and simply thinking that “do we still need a day to celebrate womanhood…..???”

“Nobody can make you feel inferior without your permission”

I mean “It was way back in early 1900 that first International Women’s Day was marked and here we are, more than 100 years later, when women are excelling in every field of life (where only men were supposed to be) and the entire world is celebrating yet another day dedicated to nothing but gender equality.

First of all can celebrating women’s day or anything like that glorify their gender…???? Even, if it does then let me tell you that for me, “Gender are not special, people certainly are.”

OK, leave all this and let me come to the point….

“Raise your voice against this too”

Interestingly, when the entire world is celebrating International women’s day 2017, women are fighting Patriarchy and trying to reach equality, here comes United Nations revealing in its latest statistics that Indian women ranked third in abusing and beating their male partners ! Report says that Egyptian women top the list, followed by The united Kingdom. The data further reveals that wives not only use their hands while beating but also tools like pins, belts, shoes etc..

Now my point is that, it’s not only women but men too can be victims of the circumstances, and life is not simply a walk in the park for men. But unfortunately sympathy and the benefit of doubt goes with women almost always and men are always looked upon as the abuser. So let there be a change in our mindset and we must start accepting that men also have similar issues of incompatibility, just like women do. The difference is, “women usually speak out and seek help, whereas men keep mum because they think it’s not a ‘manly thing’ to reveal all and ask for help.” Even if they do, they are not heard. Hence if we want to have equality in true sense, we need to realize that men also face problems like domestic violence and sexual harassment and there is a need to address this issue.

No need to mention here that most of the men certainly want that women should get protection from any type of abuse. They also want strict laws so that women should not be harassed under any circumstances. In return the only thing they want that “it should not come at the cost of men’s protection and rights.”

Let all of us accept the fact that, in India, men don’t have adequate legal provisions under which they could defend themselves. Hence male victims of sexual harassment or assaults by women can’t report the crimes. Therefore majority of such cases are going unreported and unheard. So, let’s speak about changing our society that allows women as well as men to talk openly about the trauma they go through.

Let there be a system which equally compensate and rehabilitate men, who are falsely accused under state sponsored faulty laws, specially section 498A, which many times is used like legal terrorism.

Let there be a “Human Day”, instead of any gender based day……

Remember, only true equality between genders can bring harmony…..

Moreover, in any civil society women will be honored and treated equal, but million dollar question is do we ever bother to make our society “a civil society”….. Perhaps NOT.

“Let’s work together for true equality between genders”




irfan uddin

I simply talk about “what I feel and how I feel about the happenings around me”…Which may appeal you.