Poulo: Indian girl in London

Keyang Zhong
Indian Feminism
Published in
2 min readDec 14, 2019
Poulo and her friends in the UK/ Credit: Poulo

Poulo(nickname) is an Indian girl doing her intern in London, and I got to know her when I ate in an Indian restaurant, and her table was just by our table. She has been in the UK for more than one year and spent her first year on getting her master’s degree.She told me the reason she stayed in the UK after her graduation is that internships back in India don’t provide this amount of exposure to work. She said that her family is totally supportive of her, and never urges her to go back home.

“I think there are lots of differences between girls live in India and girls study abroad. I even felt I changed a lot since I been in the UK.”

In Poulo’s opinion, life in the UK is much different from her life back in India. As for how the society treats females, she said she did not see that big a difference.

“Because the background I come from in India is quite modern and I come from an urban society, I don’t see that big a difference. But people from small towns might feel it.”

However, she also mentioned that females in the UK seem to be safer than females in India since there are fewer terrible attacks such as rape towards females.

At the end of the interview, she told me that she plans to go back to India in March 2020.

“ I really miss the food and my family in India.”

