Where are IIT Delhi Alumni?

We dissected the entire alumni community of IIT Delhi and found some interesting stats

Varun Deshpande
Indian Institutes of Technology


All IITs are colossi. Studying in any IIT is considered a great deal. How does one assess that, though? One assesses that through the career opportunities that the institution provides after graduation. We all know how much importance campus placements carry and we all know that the best companies only visit the best schools not just in India but in the entire world. IIT Delhi is one of the more popular IITs in India. It has been considered as one of the leading institutions in the country for quite a while now.

Coming to the main question — what’s up with IIT Delhi alumni? Once they graduate, where are they placed? What do they do? Where do they live? Understanding that will give you an insight of just how successful these graduates are. Let us find out:

Where Are they Located?

Do they stay in India or do foreign countries attract them? Well, we are all always hearing that this person went to USA and that person went to the UK. While there are students who have gone abroad to pursue their respective careers, it is actually delightful to see that most of the IIT Delhi graduates live in India! Estimates suggest that out of 28,000+ alumni, 71% are working in India itself, majorly concentrated in Delhi (43%), Bangalore (10%), and Mumbai (8%). Around 39% of the graduates who live in India are scattered in other regions across the country.

Abroad, the United States of America is the favorite, with 17% of the alumni settling there. San Francisco (25%) and New York (16%) are the most popular regions in USA for IIT Delhi graduates but you should note that these are not the only regions. 59% of the graduates in USA have settled in other locations. A few (3%) are in the United Kingdom right now. 1% of the graduates are in Singapore.

Where do they Work?

IIT Delhi is definitely the hotspot for many leading companies. Most of the graduates are, however, working at TCS. Tata Consultancy Services, the consulting giant, has hired 228 IIT Delhi graduates by far. IBM is close behind, having hired 235 graduates. Other leading companies that hire here are Infosys (168), Microsoft (158), and Intel (132).

The very names of these companies speak for themselves. They need no introduction because just about everyone knows about them and understands just how privileged the people who work for them actually are.

What Careers have they Branched into?

Engineering, research, information technology, consulting, and operations — you name it and you’ll see IIT Delhi graduates there. Engineering is the winner in this race, being the interest of 4455 graduates from this institute so far. Research has 2336 graduates while 1735 students have entered the information technology sector. Consulting is not far behind either, with 1589 graduates. Other popular sectors are operations and education, with 1314 and 210 graduates respectively. 8 of the alumni are a part of the present IIT Delhi faculty.

Entrepreneurship has proven to be a major interest for many of the graduates from IIT Delhi. Up until now, 1161 graduates have their own firms. They have started up on their own and are apparently doing very well.

These statistics clearly reveal that students from IIT Delhi are not restricted to one or two careers. The nurturing is such that students are encouraged to explore various different fields. Gone are the days when graduates only entered engineering or information technology. The statistics clearly reveal the contribution of IIT Delhi graduates in research as well. Therefore, it is safe to say that their roles are significant and that studying in this institution indeed opens may doors for students.

The article was first published on TopTalent.in

IIT Delhi Alumni Infographic

