Why are train locomotives called such ?

Indian Railway
Published in
1 min readOct 15, 2020

To understand this we have searched history of the word Locomotives. The origin of word Locomotive is Latin.

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The origin word is “Locus” means “Place” .

In late Latin/Medieval Latin there is word is “Motivus” means causing movement.

Both word are connected and use as a single word as Locomotive since early 17th century.

When the movable steam engine invented in the beginning of 18th century, then to distinguished between stationary and self-propelled steam engine this word “ Locomotive” first use for the self -propelled steam engine.

That self-propelled steam engines were use in to pull the railway Coaches. So accordingly Railway engine were called as Locomotives.

Since that time to now a days Railway engine call as “Locomotive”.



Indian Railway

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