4 Signs That Show You Have a Toxic Relationship With Yourself!
We often underestimate the power of our subconscious mind. Most of our reactions, behavioral patterns, and feelings happen unconsciously and we usually aren’t able to explain why we feel the way we feel or why we behave and think a certain way. But the thing is that our relationship with ourselves impacts the rest of the relationships we form in our lives so why don’t we prioritize understanding our subconscious mind more?
If we don’t know ourselves and most importantly, if we don’t have a healthy relationship with ourselves then we won’t be able to feel truly and genuinely happy. There are specific signs that show if the relationship we have with ourselves is good or not, signs that sometimes we lack the ability to recognize.
You constantly make sacrifices for others.
Putting yourself on the back burner won’t do you any good in the long run. You’ll find yourself ignoring your needs and the things you want. In addition to this, you’ll eventually realize that you don't consider yourself as important as others which can lead to major distress and unhappiness. The truth is that you can’t make everyone happy, it’s nearly impossible! So not only are you trying to achieve something unrealistic but you also don't set boundaries and you show signs of a lack of self-respect by not putting yourself and your needs first.