5 Reasons To Cut Out Toxic Friends

You deserve better

Christy McNally
Thoughts And Ideas
5 min readNov 12, 2020


Photo by Becerra Govea from Pexels

You will encounter many different types of people on your journey through life. Your experiences with some will be fleeting but others will make a lasting impact on you.

Taking this into account, I’m sure you will agree with me when I say that we should only make room in our lives for the people that are worth it.

There are those, however, that will steer you away from joy and into despair. If you still need convincing that it is time to remove these toxic people from your life, look no further than this article.

Here, I will attempt to make my case for the importance of keeping yourself away from the negative influence of toxic friends or family. I do this, not to preach, but because I wish I had known these things much earlier in life myself.

1. You Don’t Deserve To Be Judged

Not by a mere mortal anyway.

Toxic people are fantastic at casting judgement upon others. Usually, this comes from a deep dissatisfaction with their own lives. Feedback is not necessarily a bad thing, but the judgment of so-called friends is completely unneeded.

This judgement usually comes in the form of total unfairness. Not only will you be judged for things that are utterly out of your control, but you will also be judged for things you ought to be proud of.

When this happens, you will begin to tell yourself that you are not good enough to be achieving the things that you are working so hard to accomplish. Worse still, you may be led to believe that you are foolish for wanting to pursue these goals in the first place.

Misery loves company. So, when a narcissist sees you succeeding at something you love, jealously will force them to try and prevent you from taking it further.

Be proud of what you love. People who can embrace their creative passions are often the most fascinating people you can meet.

2. They Will Make You Toxic

Toxicity is a virus and we are all potential hosts.

Being around toxic people is by no means a guarantee that you yourself will become bitter but it’s a surefire way to escalate the chances.

We are sponges. Move to a new country and you will begin to speak like the natives. Surround yourself with hurtful individuals and you too will begin to see it as an acceptable way of being.

But you have a good soul, you want the best for others. At least I hope you do. So if we are going to be influenced by people, then we should opt to be changed for the better, not for the worse.

Do not become assimilated. Cut these people out before they corrupt your perception of right and wrong.

3. They Will Destroy Your Self-Esteem

Your focus determines your reality. A very wise man came up with that. Trouble is, if we hear something said enough, it will become our focus.

So, if a person close to you seems to exist only to tell you that you are not enough, you will begin to dwell on those thoughts.

The more you give credence to these thoughts, the more they will become the sad reality of your existence. Because of this, if you tolerate a toxic friend, you are letting someone into your life that is actively destroying your mental health.

It is, unfortunately, just in some peoples nature to make other people feel worse about themselves. If you think about it, it’s a simpler route to the top. To them, it is easier to bring others down than to build themselves up. It’s a sad illusion of success. Frankly, it’s a delusion.

Our mind is more than capable of sabotaging itself, you don’t need help.

4. There Is No Reciprocation

Toxic people are take, take, take. But where is the give?

Sure, you may receive their gifts but I can assure you, you don’t want them. The gifts of the toxic are, well… toxic. There only presents will come in the form of a backhanded compliment or some fraction of gratitude, which is given only to make you crave more. This is calculated and will only bring you down in the long run.

So, we’ve established that they won’t give you anything truly positive, although you may get the mirage of it sometimes. This doesn’t mean that they won’t expect things from you.

They have a habit of feeling entitled to what you have to offer and they are experts on getting you to provide. What starts with a favour from you will soon become an expectation. You will give and give again with no appreciation.

Worse than this, you will begin to see it as normal.

5. They Will Always Be The Victim

The toxic ones amongst us are predators, yet they are a unique type of predator.

As they tear you down and take all you have to offer, they will convince you that they are the ones that are somehow hard done by. This is a particularly horrendous trait of their personality.

This helps you to keep coming back for more. It makes you feel guilty. As you drain your very essence, giving them everything you can, you will still curse yourself for not being able to give more.

It’s completely normal to feel sorry for yourself every once in a while, but most of don’t use it to our advantage. Whilst, for me and you, it is enough to simply be upset, the toxic make their issues everyone else's issues too.

There are plenty of people that deserve your assistance in life. Helping the less fortunate can bring fulfilment to your life. Helping the toxic will only provide misery.

In Summary

To improve, we must have positive people in our lives. We are social creatures and we are mimics.

You have the capacity to do wonderful things. You have the potential to provide great benefit to the entire world.

Do not let these vampires suck the positivity from your life. In a world that can sometimes seem so dark, you will need all the positive feelings that you can get.

Remember, toxic people are frequently masters of manipulation. This fact may not make it super easy to keep them away from you. Stay strong and stick to your guns. This is a very important step in your life and you can do it, I promise.

You can find plenty of helpful videos on YouTube that will provide you with all the information you need to successfully and gracefully take a step away from bad folks.

I hope you will seek out the good people but at the very least, you should remove yourself from the company of the bad.



Christy McNally
Thoughts And Ideas

A simple man that hopes to share his writing journey with you.