Yuksel Anıl Mutus
Thoughts And Ideas
Published in
4 min readSep 20, 2020

Emrah Dogan

Sep 11 · 4 min read

We need communication to have a sustainable life and prosperity on Earth. Which also means we must learn how to do it and what leads it in good way.

When you see that title you may think about communication problems occurring between couples. It’s about everyone in the community, because the world we have created, and our existence in this evolutionary history are based on the communication we ,modern humans, have. We will take a look at in what way we are shaped by the existence of it and how well we communicate.


1. Illusion


People tend to believe that their message is understood, but is it? As George Bernard Shaw stated, maybe the most controversial trait of the communication in this modern world is actually misunderstanding the concept of it. We must think about that and define what the communication is by determining it’s role in our life. We expect some main things from a conversation, at least to understand the one who talks, but sometimes we can’t. Especially if this case rise up to be a common problem in the society you will start to see violence a lot. Because where there is lack of understanding, there is violence.

The illusion we may face in daily life is hard to observe but easy to feel. During a dialogue people sometimes feel like, they are not actually there. Because they are not interested in the topic or the person or not feeling good enough to talk. In the circumstances, that dialogue is waste of time. The whole moment seems like an simulation. Here we feel as if we talked but actually not.

2.“Examine what is said and not who speaks.”

This statement is an African proverb, which addresses that we believe we must be perceptive just to the ones we love or care about. Because it’s only worth that. This idea is reflecting the self-confidence behind our choices about friendships, but communication is more than that. Many ‘bad, wrong, rude, cruel, illiterate’ people can say something good, polite, valuable that we may be amazed to hear. We must bear in mind that no matter who and how old we are, we will still be a learner in this life full of unknowns.

3. We don’t want to break our comfort

Communication requires an effort to be able to express oneself clearly. The tone of our voice, body language need to be done correctly to transfer the message safely. Therefore communication is a risk too. We are also taking some risks by beginning a conversation. Because there is a chance that we may be wrong about something (an idea, a perspective). Most people don’t want to face with what they defend or support. But during conversations these issues dissolve and come up to the surface. Here communication plays a role of challenger. We may not feel ready to express it or we may be afraid to express that idea.

4.Responding and reacting are not the same thing.

In today’s fast and furious world communication seems trivial and unnecessary to pay attention for. Nevertheless We know that we are social animals , we owe all we have to the variety ways of communication we created for decades.

Some people listen to respond but some listen to react. There is a huge difference between responding and reacting. Sometimes we feel an immediate impulse getting angry, afraid, panic as a reaction towards what we hear during the conversation. We should actualize that case. when you wait for a few seconds and talk you actually don’t react what you do is responding.

People may come up with many problems, disappointments, sorrows, to talk with you. How you respond to these issues is also a reflection of your life. If you are avoiding to talk on some certain points, it may be because of the fact that you have also same problems to solve in your life. But if we speak and listen sincerely maybe we can get over these hinders completely.

5.We don’t ask questions

In our workplace or social life, we are struggling with problems which are the result of misunderstanding and lack of communication. The fundamental reason is that the process of communication is not clear enough. The statements are sometimes not clear and we just fill the missing part with our way of thinking. We avoid asking questions for details. That results in conflict, delays, and poor relationships. We should be curious about what we listen and say.



Yuksel Anıl Mutus
Thoughts And Ideas

I want to write about what actually matters in life related to my observation.