6 Pieces of Writing Advice That Should Be Used as Life Advice

A Writer Working Her Way Through the World

Tyler A. Donohue
Thoughts And Ideas


Writing is not the result of pure imagination and inspiration. Those who we herald as the great writers of our time did not arrive there by sheer luck or divine intervention from a muse. Writing is the result of hard-earned, consistent practice. It is a craft. There are no right answers, and absolutely no one to give you directions. After all, no one has gone where you’re going and no one except for you can birth your ideas precisely as you can. Sounds a bit like how we live our lives, huh? Directionless at times, but purposeful nonetheless.

Give Yourself Permission to Do It Your Own Way

When it comes to writing (and life) many things boil down to whether or not we’re willing to give ourselves the permission to live and be the way we want to. Instinctively we know ourselves, and I believe as a writer it is only a matter of granting grace and permission for that wild and untamed part of yourself to be released. Susan Sontag said that writing is “a series of permission you give yourself to be expressive in certain ways.” This permission allows us to invent, leap, fly, fall and discover our own unique characteristics, and ultimately our own inner freedom along the way. Sontag goes on to say…



Tyler A. Donohue
Thoughts And Ideas

Pastimes include playing with words, using my passport, and eating croissants. A writer of all things gender, culture, and travel.