A Message For Writers: Stop Waiting For Permission

J.A.M. Aiwuyor
Thoughts And Ideas
Published in
2 min readOct 19, 2016

There are so many different rivers to cross for writers. Writing is a field that presents rejection as a rite of passage. At every turn, writers are expected to present our work to gatekeepers for approval, acknowledgement, and accolades. The chase to be accepted is never ending and at times can be overwhelming. This, in turn, can halt progress. So much looming rejection, can lead us to forget why we’re writing in the first place. Truth be told, most writers didn’t first pick up a pen thinking about whether or not their structured thoughts would be accepted into a literary journal.

We started writing because we had a passion for something. We had a voice that needed to be released. We had a purpose that needed to be fulfilled. In the digital age, there is more flexibility than ever for writers to both hone their skills and move forward with their careers, without first needing the approval of gatekeepers. Some see this new found freedom negatively, desperately touting the need for restrictions. However few acknowledge that the current publishing industry is built on exclusionary, elitist practices that traditionally marginalize writers from under-privileged groups.

Are we to stop writing if our work is not welcomed with opened arms into prestigious literary circles?

If you have an idea for a book, get started. If you want to create your own syndicated column, podcast or video series there is nothing stoping you but you. Hone your craft, listen to your gut and move forward. There will always be time to submit to journals and send out proposals. Don’t let this process halt your progression.

Stop waiting for permission to be yourself and fulfill your purpose.

Jessica Ann Mitchell Aiwuyor is a poet, writer and social justice advocate. She’s also the founder of OurLegaci.com. Rant or rave to JAMAiwuyor@gmail.com.

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Originally published at ourlegaci.com on October 19, 2016.



J.A.M. Aiwuyor
Thoughts And Ideas

Poet | Writer | HuffPost Contributor | Founder @JoinBBC & @OurLegaci