Achieving Goals and Ambitions

Using Single Mindset Adjustments

Thoughts And Ideas
3 min readJun 9, 2020


Image Credit: Ian Stauffer on Unsplash
Image Credit: Ian Stauffer on Unsplash

While it is true that you can achieve almost anything that you truly put your mind to, there is one single thing that might be stopping you.

I truly believe that this small mindset adjustment can unleash great potential and get you much closer to reaching your personal goals and ambitions. As big as they might be.

For most of my life, I have been consciously reaching for ambitious goals. Enjoying the journey, I have been learning what works and what doesn’t.. at least for myself. I had heard about this idea many times before, but something about it this time made it click inside my head and a whole paradigm changed. It might have been that the speaker nailed it, or maybe just my circumstances at that specific moment. But ever since that day, I have been seeing the world from a different perspective that has enabled me to take full ownership of the circumstances and reach most of my goals in a much quicker and probable way.

We have all been guilty at some point in our lives for blaming others for our failures. Even though I completely agree that there is nothing worse than somebody fumbling the ball in the 1-yard line, after months of hard work, planning, and executing, blaming the outcome in someone external to you will only create resentment, distract you from the goal and make it harder for you to reach it in the future.

When you have a personal goal, you need to make sure that you are taking one hundred percent of the responsibility.

This includes:

  1. 100% responsibility for the planning process
  2. 100% responsibility for the execution process
  3. 100% responsibility for the adjustments made in the journey
  4. 100% responsibility for the outcomes

By taking a 100% responsibility for all of the details required for reaching the goal, your mindset changes from relying on internal and external circumstances to being responsible for aligning them in the order required for the goal to be achieved.

Taking complete ownership gives you the power to consider everything that must take place in order for you to succeed. Many times this will include the performance of third parties, but as the owner of the project, you are responsible for making sure that those third parties play their role exactly as required.

Note: Taking a 100% responsibility does not mean that you can not be advised in the process. In fact, I believe that getting as many perspectives from people that have already achieved similar goals can dramatically improve your probability of succeeding.



Thoughts And Ideas

Deeply Curious | Kaizen | Value Creation | Stoicism