A song for a loved one

krishna jena
Thoughts And Ideas
Published in
1 min readAug 9, 2019

You are the closest to my heart,

you are the closest to my soul,

but in what manner I do not know.

But every time I feel you beside me,

I just know we are two bodies but one soul.

Every time I feel your breath upon me,

I know that it is your breath that makes my heart beat.

When I hug you tight,

I feel that I may vanish into you,

and you in me, without a trace in sight.

I do not know if it is love that I have for you,

but very sure I am that I can do anything for you.

Sometimes I feel that love is not a sensation to have,

sensations come and go,

love is the core and very essence of our being.

When we love, we become love itself;

love is not an activity that can be indulged in;

love is complete unraveling of self,

that can only be witnessed - silently and gratefully.

