Acknowledgement Is Underrated

Animesh Jain
Thoughts And Ideas
Published in
Nov 1, 2020
credits :

“You’ve always fought your way out of every puddle you were in, every unpleasant situation you were. You’ve made it through all the rough patches you’ve ever been in and all that by not changing yourself, not being a jerk or an arrogant person.

You’ve come all this way just by yourself and also have healed a few souls on your way without letting them know what you’re going through.

You’ve kept your patience everytime. No matter how pessimistic you thought you were, no matter how many times you were called an overthinker. If you’ve come this far, it simply means that you’ve always been an optimist, a fighter and that too with a good heart.

You need to acknowledge that. You need to know that about yourself. You need to always remember that about yourself. You need to worth yourself based on this acknowledgement.”

