Surprised at the Titled? Or is it because you’re an American?

Whyte Queen
Thoughts And Ideas
7 min readApr 25, 2017


Well don’t slander me for what I’m about to say but if it really pained you, it must mean it’s true! So without much ado, I’ll give the intro.

America is at the top of the world even in terms of economic development and economy control. Its dollar tops most currencies in the world especially under developed and developing nations.

The lifestyle of Americans are the most craziest and they do not even realize it but we do (developing and underdeveloped countries). And I would give you reasons:

  • They are Carefree (If they want to be): It’s a common thing for an average American to have a Friday night out despite having a lot to do. They party and drink a lot. At such parties, it’s a tradition to mingle especially if you’re single.
  • They Have Sex at Will: Sex seems to be one drive-force for an average American. It’s always about sex at the end of the day especially One Night Stands. You meet a guy for the first time and look into his eyes, the next thing they be kissing and smooching. And then Sex! Sex! Sex! That’s what most American men think about. But I don’t think men of any country love Sex like Indian men. They are so outrageous on social networks because all they think about is how they would picture you naked or even ask you to send them nude pictures — so pathetic.
  • Fashion Style: Style seems to be a major ingredient to be socially acceptable to Americans especially among teenagers. You don’t have fashion sense, then you don’t fit into the clique. A teenage girl could even be bullied to the point of suicide because of the way she dresses.
  • They Can be Fashionable when they want to be and Totally Weird if they Don’t: Yeah, I know you would say but the preceding list says….. Yes. Americans can be fashionable when they want to be. But we all know there is a particular way expected of one to dress in a society. Then imagine this, a girl wears a nose ring, black eyeshadow, black lipsticks, overly sized male clothes and strange coloured hair. I mean, is that a way to dress? Not that I’m questioning such style anyway but it’s awkward and socially ludicrous.
  • Divorce Rates are Pretty High: For better for worse, for richer for poorer till death do us part. Isn’t it so joyous to say these words? Americans say it a lot as there are lot of marriages recorded each year but it’s shameful that about one-quarter of the population stay loyal and true to this vow. The rate at which they divorce is quite alarming and trust me, they would not hear anything of patching up. But, it’s crazy if you ask me. If I loved you, I would want solutions to learning to forgive no matter what you’ve done. Americans divorce for the craziest reasons and it’s sad they forget the children who end up suffering the most both emotionally and otherwise. I mean for better for worse ought to mean something at least? It means that it won’t always be sweet but I’ll be there with you no matter what. Yes we can all agree that extramarital affairs can be painful and it hurts and crumbles the very walls we’ve built around that trust but we can all still agree that there is always a way that doesn’t have to be divorce. Couples get married today, tomorrow they can’t stand each other. God is not happy with this trend because it was not His original plan for marriage. “Therefore shall a man leave his household and cling to his wife and they twain shall be one flesh” — this bible passage is a reminder of God’s will in marriage. Wake Up Call People: MARRIAGE IS LIKE AN INSTITUTION WHERE YOU LEARN FROM BUT YOU NEVER GRADUATE. So deal with it and suck it all up, don’t destroy what you’ve built with anger and pain. It takes years to build something and only a day to destroy it. Remember ANGER is only one word short for DANGER. Don’t make decisions in anger because you would always regret them.
  • They Wear Naked Clothes: A girl wears skimpy and nobody turns to stare at her like she’s lost it. Why? They’re so used to seeing such things that it’s no longer an eyesore. The ladies basically wear shots to anywhere; the street, to parties, Girls in Nigeria tried such trends, but it was frowned upon. There was a time in the barracks that girls felt it was time to take their fashion to the next step, guess what happened to them? They were sent back inside the barracks to wear decent clothings. Some were arrested for provoking or instigating rape by men. Yeah. Rape cases increase when men can’t control that thing that’s inside. Well how can they when they imagine a lot by seeing half your curves? To think in Hollywood and Red Carpets it’s a tradition; being totally naked or half naked on clothes! We should all wear fig leaves then when the aim of clothing has been harmoniously defeated? Guess they’re trying to tell God he made a mistake commanding Adam and Eve to cover the nakedness. They way you dress determines the way you would be addressed. I’m focusing more on the women because this trend is much more common with them. Guys they mostly sag, wear earrings like they were he-goats. Anything I see a guy with nose or ear rings, all I imagine is a goat. Absolutely crazy. Madness is taking a new height each and everyday. Probably by 2025, boys would hang their trousers on their waists with only inners on. You can imagine!
  • They Dress Babies in Unclothed Clothes: My baby is Hollywood’s next big thing; then they bring such babies to national Television, teaching them at a young age just how to sell and desecrate womanhood. Dressing a baby girl, most especially in a way that’s morally unacceptable is telling her “girl, deal with the world as you please, sell yourself cheap”. Always screen your children’s clothes and teach them, now the importance of dressing decently. It’s a sine-qua-non and it’s for your own good, so when you’re old, you would have less troubles to deal with. Comprehende?
  • They Drink Way Too Much Alcohol: Drinking to an average American is like drinking water. They consume too much alcohol and this have been proven to cause a wide range of illnesses and diseases. Alcohol is the next solace for depressed persons. On Friday nights and at parties, drinking is what’s in vogue.
  • They Curiosity as Par Science is Part of What Ails the World: Several diseases and viruses have been built in labs both consciously and unconsciously. These viruses have been alleged to be released on purpose to test their efficacy. In WHO’s disease archive, there are so many diseases both lethal and dangerous, imagine what happens when these gets out of the lab. Honestly, I don’t want to imagine. Researching into science and medicine is a good thing but we would also agree if they hadn’t been too inquisitive, we won’t be suffering from so many diseases and illnesses.
  • Teenagers are Allowed to Have Boyfriends at Tender Ages: Teenagers are most often allowed to have boyfriends at such tender ages when they are unable to understand what keeping a relationship means. Dating should not be about being with the cutest or coolest guy in school but it should be about getting to know more about that person in preparation for marriage. Else, a relationship should then be about being able to share your ideas and worries with that person. Finished! The real essence of dating is getting to know about your spouse the more. It is not meant to test what’s under or beneath the skirt/trousers or share kisses or pleasures of sin. Allowing a little girl to date is exposing her to insecurities and pains she isn’t quite ready for. There’s time for everything.
  • Over Dependence on Processed Foods: These chips and that chips; too much dependence on carbohydrates leading to constant patronage to dentists. I’ll probably change my mind and be a dentist, as Americans seem to always have dentist’s appointment every week. I would be stinkingly rich as a dentist in America though it’s a shame I’m not medically inclined. I also wonder if their water was not flouridated, how many people would have their noses closed so they won’t perceive someone else’s effluents emanating from the mouth. But this flouridated water is not enough to save America from dental plague if they continually depend on processed food.
  • They Love Secret Agencies and Secret Spies: America deal mainly with information as most movies have led us to believe. They have planted spies and secret agents in almost every country to update them with the latest news. According to these movies, when you find out about these secret agencies, then your life is in danger as they would kill to protect their smelly secrets.
  • They Watch too Many Violent Movies: Violent movies are what trend in the movie industries. Children practice this often at home and they most often graduate to fearless gentleman of the highway. If it’s not a violent movie, it’s no movie at all.
  • They Get Easily Depressed: Situations usually arise; some bad, some good, some worse. Though we all have our tolerance level but it seems to me some Americans cannot bear pains and this leads to depression and other psychological problems. Learning to deal with pain and depression may not be simple but it’s not unachievable. Dwelling more on pain and rejection or even heartbreak only makes it worse; but turning this and transforming it into something beautiful is what only a strong person can do. When the world give you LIMES, rearrange the words and SMILE. When Americans learn to handle pain, depression would reduce to its barest minimum.
  • Moral Decadence is Openly Welcomed: Most pornographic movies and magazines stem from America and India also seems to be taking the lead. Kim Kardashian was a sex doll and she is celebrated by more than half of America’s population and images of her are designed and sold. Most teenagers want to be like her.

If you’re an American, please don’t find faults in what I’ve said, but like my mom used to say “When someone tells you something you don’t like to hear, let your ears be like a sieve, pick the ones that are useful and life-changing and let the bad ones flow away

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