Angry People Can Become Happy Souls

An insight into how perfectly normal people become angry and how they can fix it.

Zaharadeen Hamdana
Thoughts And Ideas


An angry man.
Photo by Tahiro Achoub on Unsplash

Getting angry is a natural human emotion. We all get angry from time to time. However, some of us go overboard. Some of us allow anger to eclipse our very being until we become unrecognizable to ourselves and the people around us. The level of resentment within a person can become so high you would think they were born angry.

Although it may be difficult to imagine, the angry friend or neighbor was not always the way they are now. They were once happy souls and full of life. If you are an angry soul now, chances are you were once happy. However, somewhere along the way, something changed. Something pushed you to become a shadow of what you used to be. Now, at the slightest provocation, or none at all, you burst out into a roar of fury.

Nonetheless, from time to time, a glimpse of light appears out of you, which tells you all hope is not lost. With a bit of work, the once happy soul can recover its shine. But before then, what are the main reasons for your anger?

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Zaharadeen Hamdana
Thoughts And Ideas

I’m a passionate writer with a lot to learn. I hope to change the world through writing. I am also a BIG fan of football (it is NOT called soccer).