Are We The Only Ones Burdened By An Imagined Future?

One moment’s release finds me

Andrea Martin
Thoughts And Ideas


Something so fragrant has found me on this morning’s walk through the park. I am unable to trace it to cause but bathe in its hue. The waterfall in the small creek bordering the path gives equal balance, lofting its sound up into this dimensional moment. There is birdsong too. And the brightness of spring even on this grey misty beginning to the day.

Newly born green always seems to shimmer.

And I am moving through all of this with my human plan, slightly leaning forward into what’s to come. I feel myself, distinct, a current of energy and will running through this scene of boundless receptivity. Nature keeps unwinding into an ever deepening present while I wear time-colored glasses.

And then there is a pocket of almost silence, a softness in the moment that slows me down. My eyes focus differently, merging with the mistiness, allowing. Everything settles, even while the world around continues its bountiful chaos. I seem to feel it all without losing any ground.

This grace lasts as I walk up the hill now headed nowhere but arriving somewhere nonetheless.

What is required to receive this life, its endless complexity? The cherry blossom tree presents its delicate fuchsia flowers on spreading branches. They will last for a time. And then fall to petal dust underfoot.

Maybe life has no direction, this moment feels so infinite. Another rush of fragrance finds me as I exit the park, mothers and children picking blooms to weave into crowns.


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