Are You Dreaming the Dreams of Your Younger Self?

Coming to Grips With Adult Goals Set By a Child

Dakota Duncan
Thoughts And Ideas


Image by 4144132 from Pixabay

You know that dream that you have over and over again? Sometimes it’s months or even years between viewings, but when it’s back, you recognize the place, the people, the action. You know what you will do and how it will feel before it ever happens. More and more, my waking life has been feeling like one of those dreams.

Maybe part of it has been that the past year was spent in lockdown due to the pandemic. It’s more than that though. It’s a feeling of seeking out the same goals and the same experiences that I’ve always valued but not sure that they still fit.

I just finished listening to a Marie Forleo interview with Dr. Shefali, clinical psychologist and author of the New York Times bestseller A Radical Awakening. One of the memorable quotes from the interview is that “growth is a subtractive process,” meaning we have to find a way to get out from under all of the masks we wear, expectations we strive to meet, and lies we’ve been sold about what is important, and discover who we are once those things are gone.

Growth is a subtractive process. — Dr. Shefali

As a fifty-five-year-old woman, I find myself repeatedly smacking up against the walls of who…



Dakota Duncan
Thoughts And Ideas

I’m an animal lover, author, and artist. I love learning about small but amazing creatures. See Captivating Creatures