Black Swan, or Tethered Soul — Take Action to Build Your Resilience Today!

Lord Paul Adam Mudd
Thoughts And Ideas
Published in
3 min readMay 22, 2017


We live in a world of impermanence — A state of flux: Change is a constant. No surprises there, I’m sure you’ll agree!

Nassim Nicholas Taleb, who predicted the 2008 Financial Crisis in his book, ‘The Black Swan’ divides the World into three categories.

1st there is Fragile & something or someone who is Fragile is described as having nothing to gain from a seemingly random event — It will never improve things. In fact, it/they would rather avoid change, or find somewhere where it wasn’t happening — anywhere but here so to speak!

2nd there is Robust — or is that being buoyant as I have described in other pieces? Maybe — Taleb describes this person as someone who doesn’t break easily, but is convinced they won’t be improved by any shocks/changes.

And then 3rd there is Anti-Fragile. This is something or someone who is more than just adaptable, resilient & robust — they/it don’t just endure shocks and random events, they actually benefit from them & seek out change — our Real Change Leaders perhaps, by another name?

The theory is Universal, it can apply to anything and everything — from running a major Corporation to Parenting.

Most of us start, no matter what we’re doing or undertaking, without a Road Map — Our compass simply the sum of a range of different & sometimes conflicting formative influences — & while Big things can give the illusion of stability — Think Banks, The British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC), or your Manager, CEO, or the Board of your organisation, or company — In reality they can’t necessarily withstand the shock or change whether of their own instigation or not, &, it can actually be the smaller organization, or business & the individual you might not readily expect, who deals with it all so much better — But why?

I believe that Agility & Resilience are at the heart of any effective Individual,Team, Organisation or Business & that the right sort of Coaching is at the heart of driving change forward and creating the conditions for Super Performance at all levels & in all walks of life — Be that on a personal or professional level.

It really is as simple as that and to find out more about my work on Leadership, Individual Excellence, Coaching, Building Resilience, Organisational Agility, Mindfulness, Working with Complexity and Enhancing Performance why not check me out here.

About The Author

Having written over a million published words towards endings and beginnings and finding a brilliantly elegant simplicity that costs nothing, Paul Adam Mudd is about making the complicated less complex, the tough stuff not so tough, and putting the unreachable within reach of everyone.

He is also a Trusted Adviser, Leadership Rockstar (Apparently), Savvy Thinker, International Keynote Speaker, Best Selling Author, Global Well Being, Well Doing and Mindfulness Influencer, Co-Founder and Director of the Mudd Partnership, whose raison d’etre is to develop senior leaders to be simply brilliant, and Co-Creator of the tMP Hexagon Leadership & Coaching programme #ThinkHexagon © 2021



Lord Paul Adam Mudd
Thoughts And Ideas

A Lord (Apparently) | Leadership Rockstar (Allegedly) | Philosopher Pirate (Probably) | & Best Selling Author + Writer Huff Post | Thrive Global | Medium (Yes)