Boiling Point

A metaphor for patience and/or faith… take your pick

Thoughts And Ideas
Published in
2 min readApr 21, 2017


You know how they say “a watched pot never boils?”
That’s bullshit.
The pot does eventually boil.
It just takes forever when you’re staring at it waiting for something to happen.

How many of you have even turned the fire up a little higher thinking that will move things along?
Anyone add a little salt to the water?
Nothing, right?
Watching it only pisses you off.
All you can see is it doing everything in the world except boil.

Boil, dammit! Yeah, yelling at it doesn’t work either.

Just walk away.

Go do something else.
Your precious time should be filled with something that most likely needs your attention… but you’ve been too focused on that stupid pot.

Leave it alone.

You’re smart and you know better.
You’ve done this before a hundred times.
Yes, it’s a different day… a different time… a different “meal.”
Maybe even a different pot.
But the basic principle is still… and will always… remain the same.

You’ve done the work.

You put the water in the pot and on the stove.
You’ve turned up the heat.
That’s all you are required to do.
You can do no more than that right now… and you shouldn’t try to.

All you need to do is believe what you already know to be true.

Relax… It’s gonna freakin’ boil!

Marinate on that for a bit…


{I originally wrote this in my journal. At the time, it had to do with me stalking my stats, but I believe it applies to anything you would need the “Serenity Prayer” for. If you enjoyed it, please give me a little green heart and feel free to share. There’s more creative, clever, and candid metaphor slaying where this comes from! Follow me… it will be fun!}

I had some additional thoughts on this…



Thoughts And Ideas

Published Author, Editor, Creativity Coach, Screenwriter and other random acts of “Creative Adulting.”