Can We Ever Really Be Our True Self?
“So now I have absolutely no knowledge of who I am, I’m extremely happy.” David Bowie (News Night 1999)
Existence precedes essence, and gratitude precedes happiness. Fact!
And So, To Greece
Picture a sunlit Grecian sea or the deep hues of Santorini’s rooftops. In the English language, they’re both called blue, but to a Greek speaker, the lighter hue is called, “Ghalazio” and the darker colour, “Ble” .
And when researchers showed native speakers of both languages squares of light and dark blue, they found the Greek speakers viewed the two colours as more unlike each other than alike.
Language can shape perception and thought.
The way we think, and act is shaped by language & linguistic frames from the day we are born and as Albert Einstein pointed out everything is in fact created twice — Once in Thought and again in Action — Once in the Thinking and again in the Doing!
Today’s World In A Word, Or Three
We are born with the mental scaffolding to make every sound in every language spoken across the world…