Discrimination — An integral part of Humanity

Harikesh Vaidya
Thoughts And Ideas
Published in
2 min readMay 23, 2022

Racism, Patriarchy, Casteism, Religion, Anti Semitism, Colonialism….well, the list goes on and on. There seems to be too much discrimination in the world, doesn’t it? Is it the past? Are our forefathers to be blamed for this? Are we a fruit of the poisonous tree? Or is it something entirely different? Whatever recorded history we have, from the Egyptians to the modern world is filled with people discriminating against each other.

So why is it that from the dawn of civilization itself we are filled with hate towards each other?

Perhaps it has something to do with Humanity itself?

All our lives, all the struggle we do is to find our identity. Who we are? Yes, a question that every individual, or perhaps I should say every human ponders upon. You see, the identity of a person is like a mirror to him. It’s his idea of who he is. And he often looks into this mirror, to justify his existence in the vast expanse of time. It’s all he knows. His identity is the only possession that he has which is his and his alone! He guards it dearly and is proud of it.

So what is the identity made of? Well, it can be anything. It can be his religion, it can be his race, his profession, his possessions, his beliefs, anything.
But these are the things he is proud of. The funny thing about pride is, that the feeling of being proud is only invoked after seeing someone devoid of or yearning for the very thing. For instance, a person who is proud of how rich he is, essentially derives this feeling from the knowledge that many people don’t have money and are yearning for it. A beautiful young model prides upon her beauty knowing that very few are as beautiful as her.

When standing atop a mountain, you must look down to truly enjoy how high at the top you are. The same goes for everything in life you are proud of.

If everybody had the same achievements or had the same degree of superiority that you boast about then you wouldn’t have been truly happy.

That is why certifications of participation aren’t as good as winning a gold medal. Because the others could not have it.

To be proud of your identity is to look down upon others for not having the same. And thus discrimination is born. Sure, the ideals of discrimination might change. Today it is color or religion, tomorrow it might be something else. But as long as a person is proud of something he will essentially discriminate against others.

You know to err is human. Well, unfortunately, to discriminate is human too!



Harikesh Vaidya
Thoughts And Ideas

Just someone interested in finding the meaning of life. Likes to write on philosophy, society & global dynamics. :)