Does The Quran Really Say To Kill Kafirs(disbelievers) or Is It a Rumor?

Sharique Kamal
Thoughts And Ideas
Published in
5 min readMar 1, 2021


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No need to mention that the Quran is the holiest scripture of Islam which is a religion of Abrahamic faith. The Holy Quran was revealed to Prophet Muhammad by the angel Gabriel(Jibreel). The Quran is believed to be the word of true and one God(Allah) which was revealed to this world within the course of around 22 years. The Quran contains 114 chapters and 6,666 verses.

The 6000+ verses of the Quran talk about different subjects like culture, food, marriage, divorce, heaven, hell, polytheists, and many more. It also commands Muslims to perform various actions out of which many commands and verses have led to the controversy on Quran.

Today, we would study verse no. 5 of chapter 9 of the Quran which commands to kill polytheists.
"But, once the sacred months have passed, kill the polytheists wherever you find them, capture them, besiege them, and lie in wait for them on every way. But if they repent, perform prayers, and pay alms-tax, then sent them free. Indeed, Allah(God) is all-forgiving, most merciful."

Any non-muslim who read this verse get mistaken and think that Quran is asking Muslims to kill polytheists or non-muslim. But, this is not true at all. Anti-social elements roaming on the internet would never tell you the truth of this verse and…



Sharique Kamal
Thoughts And Ideas

Writer | Student at ICAI-World's largest accounting body