Don’t Believe Anything You Hear

Question everything and you’ll help shape history.

John Reel
Thoughts And Ideas


Photo cred: Gift Habeshaw/Unsplash

I love thinking about human beings. We are fascinating, silly, outrageous, unpredictable, and many other things. The creativity of humans blows my mind daily. The number of times I laugh out loud because of a Reddit comment, well, it’s only a couple of times per day, but that’s still cool. I love watching one stranger help another. Can you believe a human being walked on the moon 52 years ago? We do amazing things.

We can also be really dumb. I won’t list out the horrible things we have done to each other. The history books are riddled with graphic scenes of destruction. Often, what has gotten us out of those horrible situations is our ability to think for ourselves. Arguably, that is one of our greatest assets.

We don’t always think for ourselves. It can be a lot of work and for some things, it’s not worth the effort. It’s easier to accept what someone tells us as true. That’s called homogenous thinking. Taking on the thoughts and opinions of the group can be dangerous.

Peter Theil, author of Zero to One and co-founder of Paypal and Palantir, recently gave a talk on this very topic. One in which he suggested we throw a parade for the creator(s) of Bitcoin, Satoshi Nakomoto. He praised Satoshi for trying to improve a system that…



John Reel
Thoughts And Ideas

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