Empty Sockets

Holly Rihan
Thoughts And Ideas
Published in
2 min readNov 27, 2016

It’s a pissing bone. Curiosity killed the cat but I defy any sane person not to be curious as to why a jaw bone, human jaw bone, is lying abandoned in a car park. Next to my car. I stare at it lying by my front wheel nothing to suggest it has any reason for being there, no other bones, no blood. Though it wouldn’t be that farfetched to imagine a murder taking place in the lowest darkest corner of a car park but it hardly looks fresh.

I jump hearing a tap, my nerves don’t calm when I turn to the noise.

‘Can we talk?’ No, we can’t fuck off, there are more pressing matters right now and why the hell did you tap on the window when I’m not even in the car? Idiot. I don’t say any of that of course I just turn back the half grin on the concrete. He takes it as his cue to start with he endless excuses and reasons on how good we are together.

Tuning him out I step closer to the jaw, from my previous spot I could make out the teeth and some of the connecting bone in the gloom but now I can see there are remnants of tissue where the gums would be and there’s a flap of something hanging precariously off the end of the chin. My gagging finally makes him notice his reaction possible more appropriate then mine was initially, however my curiosity has runs its course and I’m ready to leave. I move toward my door as he states the obvious then grabs my arm.

‘We can’t just leave it here.’

‘You want to take it home?’ I ask snidely his presence irritating me more.

‘We should call the police.’ Have fun with that, I get in my car and begin reversing out. I laugh out loud as he scrambles out the way then jumps almost stepping on the teeth.

What a weird day I think sometime later pulling into my driveway, I wonder who left it there. Was someone supposed to find it? I shrug not my problem. I blindly fumble for my bag but touch something coarse instead, pulling it out I stare for a moment before I scream. I drop it on my passenger seat flying out the car and to my door, I can feel the empty sockets stare at me the whole time.

