Give Yourself Permission to Expand

Morning thoughts of October 27, 2023

Thoughts And Ideas
2 min readOct 27, 2023


Photo by Akil Mazumder:

We all have that one thing we do that — no matter what it is, we’ve attached most if not all of our identity to it.

This could be a hobby, a job, even a relationship.

We’ve all been there and when you begin to notice the monotony of what it is you’re ‘known’ for, the thought of doing something else — of doing more, can be scary.

But if you check in with yourself, there’s something that you tell yourself would be nice to do or to have that would require you to expand.

To be clear, I’m not proposing some ‘hustle porn’ ideology although maybe what you want requires some hustle.

But maybe it’s not anything material for you.

Maybe your mind desires more.

Maybe you want to work out more, but you’re so attached to being the person who maintains a healthy weight ‘doing nothing’.

Maybe you want to develop better social skills but won’t allow yourself the opportunity to meet to people in fear of the initial awkwardness.

Understand that there can be a lot of layers attached to your hesitance to expand.

It could be the people around you.

It could be your past experience with whatever it is you actually want to move toward.

It could just be your awareness of how rare it is that people step outside of their comfort zone and take on a different skill which can drastically alter the way others see them.

Do yourself a favor and give yourself permission to add a new dimension to yourself.

Doing so will not only spark growth within, but it may even make you better at the things you’re already good at.

There’s nothing wrong with exploring new avenues when your soul is calling you to do so.

So give yourself permission to grow.

