Grace: The Ultimate Antidote for Stress

Jennifer Friedman MD LCPC
Thoughts And Ideas
Published in
2 min readMay 23, 2022
Photo by Shot by Cerqueira on Unsplash

Have you ever noticed that in moments that are the busiest or most stressful in life, when you are most needing a sense of spaciousness and intentional, deliberate action, often you feel the most harried and reactive? It is actually quite natural. Our nervous systems react to our busyness and make us believe, on a neurobiochemical level, that we are in danger. It is no wonder, then, that it is in these moments that we lash out or behave out of accordance with our desires and values.

Being with yourself more mindfully is the antidote to this natural, and yet, unhelpful reaction to life’s busyness. We do this by creating space! Creating spaciousness in our lives allows us to live more aligned with our values. Spaciousness means making room for emotions and giving yourself time and space to know your own internal world. When we have spaciousness in our lives we gain the ability to pause, we aren’t reactive, but we are responsive, and we feel more energized. We can then tackle our schedules and stressors from a place of calm and fortitude.

You may be wondering how you can get more spaciousness. There are obvious answers such as taking more time for yourself, doing activities such as meditation and yoga, being in nature, and using your creativity. These suggestions can be quite helpful but can also feel inaccessible when we are in a stressed state. On an energetic level, sometimes we need to bring forth something new, especially when we feel that we might not have time for slowing down. We need to relax, but relaxation can feel elusive. Giving yourself grace allows you to relax. Believe it or not, the most important thing to create spaciousness is actually relaxation. It can be challenging to relax when we are in judgment, even in barely detectable ways. And subtle judgment goes hand in hand with stress! Utilizing the energy of grace breaks through any micro-judgments and brings a peacefulness that allows for relaxation and acceptance.

When you notice that you are operating from a stressed place, give yourself grace and slow yourself down. Then take notice of how much more effective you are at tackling your busy and full life!



Jennifer Friedman MD LCPC
Thoughts And Ideas

Physician, Counselor, Writer, and Teacher specializing in physical, emotional, and spiritual health and wellness. Find out more at