How Steve Jobs Put A Dent In The Universe

Ruchi Nirmal
Thoughts And Ideas
Published in
7 min readJul 23, 2022

(How you can do it too)

Photo by NASA on Unsplash

After months of putting it off, I finally read the Autobiography Of Steve Jobs last year. I have been seeing the quotes from this book everywhere for years. They seemed so inspiring and made me wonder about how the mind of Steve Jobs worked. What’s better than reading about his life to digging deeper.

People often talk about how he had this ability to manipulate the present according to his will.

Seems so cool and exciting… Isn’t it?

Of course, I wanted to dig deeper and wanted to know exactly the ‘Big How’. I mean who doesn’t want this power to bend reality according to his/her will.

So the next thing I did after finishing the book was…. I hopped on my chair, turned on my laptop, and typed in the keywords bending reality or how the universe works… on Google Search.

It seemed like I was on some kind of treasure hunt. But the thrill didn’t last long enough. All I got was a LAW OF ATTRACTION, POWER OF THOUGHTS, THINK POSITIVE, and regular cliche stuff….

To be honest, I was bummed! Here I was thinking I am going to change my life and the world around me. Yet to my utter disappointment, I could almost see that dream lying in a ditch somewhere.

But then…. I hit a JACKPOT!!

When I was going through all the research I summarized in a master Google Doc file, I noticed a few patterns. I got surprised how I missed such crucial info before.

Before we get to the gold mine I found….

Disclaimer — It’s not an easy quick scheme to get rich. It’s a step-by-step process to follow. No one can master anything overnight. So if you are not willing to get disciplined or want an easy way out… this is not for you my friend.

But if you are ready to put in the work every day, within months or even days- get ready to be shooked to your core!!

You know for years we’ve been hearing about the law of attraction, the secret, and the power of the subconscious mind almost everywhere. I am not saying they don’t work.

What I mean to say is I haven’t seen people having all the above info living their dream lives yet. They should be chilling in the pool while making big bucks on auto-pilot beside their million-dollar penthouse, right?

We know our thoughts give out vibrations. But even after knowing that how are we still not living our dream lives?

Maybe everyone is waiting for all their thoughts to turn positive one day somehow. Trust me I use to drink all this info with my breakfast during my teenage years. But nothing worked (at least for me).

In my heart, I knew its possible, but I just couldn’t do it. I practiced affirmations, journaling, and visualization… but nope!!

Now I understand… why I couldn’t seem to make it work. When I see people around me, I realize everyone is so distracted and busy in the race…. That they don’t realize that they are sitting on the heaps of fortune underground. It’s with them every time, everywhere they go.

But no worries, you don’t have to be like them. Because I have done all the heavy lifting for you. You just have to read, sink in, read again, and implement this model in your life.

Here we go…

From my findings, I recognized the behavioral patterns of people who were successful in pulling their desires to their present.

Every single one of them was acting in deception, living something that doesn’t even exist (at least not yet) and that too in a detached manner.

There you have it.

Sounds simple? Nothing new?

Then how can you not do it? I TELL YOU WHY?

Because it isn’t easy. Ignoring everything happening in your life, basically deceiving yourself and living in a way that doesn’t even might come true.

Why do you have to do that? What’s the logic behind it? Why does it work?

You see, the Higher Power doesn’t care what you want. It cares about exactly what you are. I rephrase that ‘What you clearly are?’

You know there’s a very famous speech by Earl Nightingale- The Strangest Secret. It’s available on Youtube. Still, few of you know about it.

Basically, it summarises successful people are those who know exactly what do they want. Seems easy but you will have to dig deep past all the notions made by the social world.

Let me explain through these steps…

STEP 1- Removing Cobwebs And Digging Deep

Ask yourself what will make you happy?

What will make your content?

What’s something that wakes you up all excited for the day?

Suppose someone desires to be a famous YouTuber on Monday, a GOAT writer by Tuesday, an Ecomm expert minting millions by Sunday…. It’s probably not gonna work for that person.

You must have a clear goal, intention, whatever you call it. No matter what happens, no matter the number of setbacks, you’ll have to be persistent on that path. Period!

Now let’s say you have a clear intention. Normally, you’d repeat some affirmation in front of the mirror, daydream about it, or maybe even write as well. But here’s the thing, it might work for some but it doesn’t for most people.

Why you ask?

Because they continuously behave as if they don’t have it. No matter how strong and impressive the affirmation is, be honest… there’s still a voice inside you saying “No, you’re not gonna be a millionaire” or “You are not healthy as you are saying”

It’s frustrating. Isn’t it?

Let's focus on the clarity of intention first and then head to the next step.

STEP 2- Stepping Steps To Building Your New Life

Build a routine, you would desire to live. Let’s say you wanna be a popular creator that creates cool videos and has thousands of fans online. Your routine would somewhat look like this-

You’ll wake up early, hit the gym or home workout, have breakfast, then you’ll get on to work. You are gonna open your stats and check what content is performing well, then map out some other ideas, and write scripts knowing that your videos always blow up….

You can even take it a step further. Since you know people admire your famous ass, so you can’t risk roaming in public freely right? Cover yourself with a face mask or sunglasses or even a cap to prevent attacks by the fans.

Or walk around the mall thinking you have a bag full of green bills and you can buy literally anything (even if you don’t have it.)

It can be fun if you want. The focus should be consistency. You’ll have to live as a self-image of a person you desire to become.

It’s a gradual process. Eventually, your mind and body will become so aligned with the life you’re living that you may not even realize how reached there so soon.

STEP 3- Applying Neuroscience To Cement The Structure

Time to involve some science here because we can’t just bluff and wing it. My research also led to these cool findings in neuroscience.

You must have heard of a hormone named Dopamine. The dopamine detox has become quite popular worldwide.

What happens is whenever you go through something that gives you pleasure, a hormone named dopamine is released. Excess to this hormone is considered a bit dangerous and can push people to depression.

Seeing how everyone is constantly stimulated because of phones, Netflix, etc. Even reading books can lead to dopamine production.

What does it have to do with you? I’ll explain in a moment.

You know I was someone who needed a lot of motivation before I started my work. So I started to listen to my inspiration songs playlist, mentally thinking about ‘how I am gonna prove it to the world, ‘how I am gonna take my family on luxury vacations’ etc….

And it made me feel so good and excited that I got addicted to doing it every day. Now, the thing was the moment I used to sit at my desk to work, I went through a downward roller coaster of feelings. Like not wanting to do anything. I thought it was something wrong with my mindset.

But after digging into neuro-science, I found that I was attaching too much dopamine(pleasure) to the reward(goal)… which was dangerous.


You see the thing with dopamine is that the higher they rise, the lower the dip will be. So it depends on how much higher you take the pleasure scale because post that there’s gonna be an immense dip. That’s just how it works. How it always works…

The real formula of success lies in building an internal reward system by working on the pursuit. In simple words, focus on falling in love with the process which will lead you to the goal and not on the actual goal.

With that, your focus is only on the journey. Even if you reach the goal, you don’t trigger dopamine. No rise and no low. That’s the reason behind so many people are following dopamine detox to reset their dopamine levels.

I mean Steve Jobs never got holed up in his office daydreaming about things he’s gonna achieve one day. It’s all about driving pleasure from the pursuit, not the goal.

Even the results are phenomenal. It has not only increased their drive for their work but also raised their creativity,

How cool is that?

Now, how STEP 1 & STEP 2 are to be linked with STEP 3

When you are following all the above steps,

This means you are living in the present with the clarity of ‘who you actually are, your focus is on the journey rather than the goal. (goal is important but only to pave the direction you’re heading towards).

If you don’t believe me, try and implement this into your life

You will be INVINCIBLE.

Here’s a hammer of information(all that you need).

Now it’s up to you if you wanna strike it to put a dent or hide it away somewhere inside your closet.

Pura Vida!



Ruchi Nirmal
Thoughts And Ideas

Diagonally parked in the parallel universe. Optimist. Reader. Goal Digger. Follow me on twitter @ruchinirmal33