How to Assure Yourself That You are “Powerful”

3 self-care tests you should definitely do if you want to love yourself a little more

Gourav Saria
Thoughts And Ideas
3 min readMar 19, 2022


Photo by sydney Rae on Unsplash

Are you going through a poor self-esteem crisis(just like me) right now, or lost someone really important to you, maybe a friend or your loved ones and is shattered down to the core because of it? Or are you just looking for an exercise to do in your self-care routine or Project50 Challenge?

Whatever your reasons might be self-care or self-love is important. It’s important to make yourself “Powerful” i.e. able to radiate a positive and strong energy of confidence, charisma, that either make people be inspired of you or jealous of you. It’s important that you enjoy your own company because who knows when people just take the back door out of your life leaving you all by yourself.

Therefore, I would like to recommend 3 tests that I myself do or did whenever I feel like I need to reassure myself that I am a confident person who appreciate myself enough.

1. Watch a movie or eat in a restaurant alone

I know you have probably heard this like a million times already… but trust me it does help. Movie halls and restaurants are the most social places ever. You will hardly see anyone who sits there all alone enjoying their movie/food. Therefore if you have the power to walk among the crowd without feeling any awkwardness…. congratulations, you have successfully proved yourself that you are a confident person. It will feel really awkward at first but it will pass once you get used to it. C’mon who doesn’t love to have the entire tub of popcorn or entire plate of food all for themselves.

2. EXPOSE your guilty pleasure

A guilty pleasure is basically something that you really like to do but wouldn’t admit to others because they are not held in high regard. My guilty pleasure is that I still watch kids shows even though I am close to being an adult. There, I exposed myself. Now I am sure people will make fun of me. But that’s where the fun part lies. If you don’t let that affect you then it truly shows that any kind of hatred against you won’t make a difference to you because you really like who you are. That’s the aura of a powerful person. Also who knows your guilty pleasure might be someone else’s guilty pleasure too and they might realize it’s nothing to be ashamed of.

3. Write!!!!

My personal favorite of the three tests. Write. Write about yourself. Write about things that’s good about you. Write about your flaws that you want to work on. Write to your future or past self. Writing down things actually helps you clear your thoughts in mind and helps to discover yourself because it needs deep emotional thinking. It may be painful at first but trust me it’s the best self-care you could ever do. This is much more than a test, its an exercise.

That’s all the test I want to recommend. If any of these tests doesn’t help you or you don’t agree with any of these , it’s okay. Everyone has their own way to feel powerful and I would love to hear your ways to do so.



Gourav Saria
Thoughts And Ideas

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