How to Change Yourself For The Better?

Can Happiness Lead To A Longer Life?

Mike_Bhantz Biographies
Thoughts And Ideas
7 min readAug 14, 2020


Photo By Pexel-Nina Uhlina

Change is the only constant thing in this world. You’ve got two choices: you can either change for the better or worse. Which one would you prefer? I bet most, if not all, of you will say you’d want to change for the better (who’d want to do the opposite anyway?). With that said, here are the top 5 ways you can improve yourself right away:

The past is always going to be there to haunt us — our mistakes, our failures, relationships that didn’t work out, dream jobs that didn’t pan out, and so much more. I know that when not enough time has passed by, it’s easy to lose sight of the fact that you’ve learned a lot of lessons in the past. Use that as a powerful learning experience and apply what you’ve learned as you move forward with your life.

Does anybody really want to be friends with Debbie Downers and Negative Nancy’s? I don’t think so, unless you were already friends with them before they became who they are now. Keep people like them at arm’s length. You don’t want them polluting your thoughts and your emotions and affecting you negatively. Instead, find happy and positive people to surround yourself with.

Your comfort zone is not going to make you any better. You can be happy and still get out of your comfort zone from time to time. The reason why getting stuck in your comfort zone is not a good idea is simple: it’s going to stunt your growth and won’t give you any chance to improve yourself.

People who say integrity is overrated needs to look in the mirror. Honesty is essential in life. Why? Because once your integrity is lost, people are going to stay away from you. Protect your good name and your reputation at all cost.

Bad habits are bad for a reason — they’re not doing you any favors. So, replace them with positive ones ASAP. For instance, why don’t you try picking up an early morning habit? Try waking up early so you can do more in your day. Try going for a run, writing down in your gratitude journal, planning your day to become highly productive, and so much more.

*How to Find Real Happiness?*

There are countless opportunities for us to be happy, but we often pass them by without realizing it’s what we’ve been waiting for all along. If you find it hard to spot these opportunities, here are 5 questions that will help you recognize the signs.

We’ve all got a lot to be thankful for. But most of us take these for granted. For example, just the fact that we are breathing and alive right now is going to go unnoticed by most of us. But when we fall ill, or worse, when we’re on our deathbeds, only then do we realize how important each breath was.

There’s an old saying that goes, tell me who your friends are and I’ll tell you who you are. Take a look around you. Are you surrounded by the right kind of people? Do they make you happy? Or are they dragging you down into a downward spiral?

Money is important, but not that important. Sure, when you have loads of money, it’s easier to buy the things that can make you happy. But did you know, that having money doesn’t automatically translate to happiness? There are a lot of unhappy, but extremely wealthy people out there.

Paying it forward is a great concept that every person on this planet should practice daily. Make it your legacy to leave the world a better place than when you found it. Do whatever it takes to make a difference in someone else’s life. Trust me, you’ll feel a whole lot better about yourself at the end of the day.

Ah, the million dollar question. Are you truly living the life you want for yourself? Or are you living it because that’s what others expect you to do? Only you know the answer to that. If you truly want to find happiness, you need to love what you’re doing and live the life you want.

*Happiness Can Lead To A Longer Life.*

We’re all going to perish at one point or another. That pretty much is a fact. While most people will turn to science and technology to try to extend their lives, there is actually a much cheaper alternative. It’s called happiness. In this article, I’m going to show you three different ways happiness can lead to a longer life.

Don’t you feel like you’re always chasing something in your life? Whether it be the latest gadgets, romantic interests, professional opportunities, etc., we all can’t seem to stop moving and working towards something. Chasing goals and dreams is important too, but when does it all stop? When is enough actually enough?

When you’re happy, you’ll realize that there are some things in life not worth going for. For instance, trying to get into a high-risk profession may be worth a lot of money, but it’s going to have adverse effects on your health. Or you’d go after you something that you think is going to make you happy, only for you to realize in the end that it’s slowly taking away your sanity. You could end up rich beyond your wildest dreams, but in exchange, you’ll be cutting your life short.

As you go through life, you encounter countless problems and challenges. If you’re not careful, these challenges can quickly overpower you. However, when you’re happy, you’re more likely to be resilient.

Where others are going to let problems consume them, happy people are more likely to let them slide. Essentially, happy people develop thick skin which allows them to respond to problems more positively than unhappy individuals.

When you’re happy, you tend to take good care of your body. This means you’re not going to do anything that’s going to cause it some harm. You’re not going to abuse it by eating tons of junk food, getting drunk every single night, or stressing yourself out at work. Instead, you’ll make sure you only eat healthy food, you’ll exercise regularly, and you’re not going to sacrifice your body for a few extra dollars on your paycheck.

Remember, happiness doesn’t equate to wealth. You can be happy and not have a lot of material possessions. Likewise, you can be wealthy but be deeply unhappy. It’s up to you who you want to be. But if longevity matters to you, I suggest you prioritize happiness.

*Common Traits Of Happy People.*

There’s something special about happy people. Apart from smiling and laughing more often than the rest of the population, happy people also have these four traits in common:

Happy people focus on what’s happening right now. They know that whatever happened in the past, stays in the past. There’s no point mourning about it in the present. So, they make the most of what they do have. They learn from their mistakes and failures in the past, but they don’t dwell on it too much. Which is the exact opposite unhappy people do.

Most people are unhappy because they let themselves get too attached to the past. If you’re one of them, you’ve got to learn to let go. Move on and focus on what you’ve got right in front of you, right this very moment. Otherwise, you’re going to miss out big time on the present, and you’ll only add it to your long list of things you regret.

Happy people aren’t naïve. They know the future is important. They can’t simply live in the present, and not have a good plan for the future. They’re optimistic about what the future holds.

If you’ve got a good thing going, you’d want it to last as long as possible. This is why happy people want to protect their source of happiness. They’re not going to throw it away for some silly things that are going to cost them a whole lot more.

Gratitude is often overlooked in one’s quest for happiness. It’s so easy to look beyond the good things you do have and go straight to wishing for things you know are way out of your league.

Let’s talk about money: for most people, being wealthy is their ultimate goal. They think that when they become rich, they can finally be happy. But, oftentimes, this isn’t the case. You can be happy without being wealthy. Try to appreciate the gift of life, family and friends, good health, etc. Life’s not all about money, you know.

Happy people know how to roll with the punches. They don’t dwell on whatever negative thing’s happening to them right now. They take it all in stride. They try to find the humor in everything. This is why happy people are such a joy to be with — they help other’s see things in a different and more positive light.

See Related Story!

1. How Motivation While Helping Others is the Key of Happiness and Successful Life?

2. How Does it Feel by Showing Gratitude?

3. The Best Board Leaders Beyond Your Own Board to Find your Next Best Leaders.

4. What’s Your Passion in Life That Brings You Pure Happiness Unlike Anything Else?

5. The Different Elements of your Life.

6. Life Goal at Your Age.

7. Believe On Your Vision

8. 10 Incredibly Simple Tips How To Be Happy At Work.

Originally published at on August 14, 2020.



Mike_Bhantz Biographies
Thoughts And Ideas

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