How To Free Yourself From Over Protective Parents So You Can Achieve Your Aims

Maxwell Eden
Thoughts And Ideas
Published in
3 min readApr 29, 2022

They block your every move

Disclaimer: This piece does not in any way speak ill of all parents from any culture

I still remember my days in high school, expending most of my time studying so I could come out in flying colors. My parents, mom in particular were always on my tail, scrutinizing my every move, making sure I don’t take the wrong path. This is completely understandable, a mother’s love for her kids can not be compared with someone else’s. You should know that a parent that does not love you will never show any sign of overprotection.

A child and her overprotecting mother. | source

I found out that this scrutiny was getting in the way of things that I really wanted to become. It took so long to realize that I was the reason my mom would not let me make my own decisions.

Why Parents Are Over Protective

Your parents are probably a few decades older than you, which means they were once like you, teenagers struggling to cope with the calamities of life, being under the control of overprotecting parents. They are not trying to do to you what their parents did to them. They are overprotecting you because they once climb the same mountain you’re climbing.

They are at the top of the mountain you’re climbing, they can see where you’re coming from and where you are heading. So, they get to scream No, not that way the soil is slippery!. They are simply trying to make sure that you do not face the same trouble they faced. They feel the need to find you an easier way to get to the top.

Once I realized that my mother was trying to use her experience to save me I created a way to stop it.

You’re Not Mature

Being a baby means your dad and mom need to take full control of your life, you will cry to get what you badly want. They will make all decisions for quite an extended part of your life. As you grow older you become mature and the control seems to reduce. This control will completely vanish when you turned an adult.

If being an adult will make you free from your parents’ clutches how about the complaints of adults that their mom and dad still protect them. That’s the point, not all parents feel their kids can handle things even in their late teenagehood. This all boils down to maturity.

If maturity isn’t about age, then not all 23-year-old sons and daughters are capable of taking control of their life. And that means that a 16-year-old could be more promising than his elder siblings in the initiative of their parents. I hope you understand that.

What’s maturity? It’s simply to do what you’re supposed to do without being told. Imagine you do the dish, fixed your broken door, studied at the right time, and didn’t bully your junior ones without being told. Imagine if your parents could trust you with responsibilities so they do not need to yell. \

Parents will back off when they see that their kids are mature enough to take responsibility for their life, they will become less protective. Only if you can show them that you are not faking it when you did the dishes and woke up at the right time to prepare for school all through the week.

So, when I told them I have a girlfriend and invested in cryptocurrency they said it was fine.

I love to interact with people as much as I love to write. Come to the comment box and let’s talk about it.

