I am ALWAYS the Red Power Ranger

Branford Maurice
Thoughts And Ideas
Published in
2 min readAug 12, 2016
My first headshot, after I decided I wanted to share my gift with the world.

Out of all the millions and trillions of people that love the Power Rangers, many argue over which power ranger they are. One thing’s for sure: No one will ever be the red ranger. “Why,” you ask? Well, because that’s simply who I am.

Always paparazzi ready!

I did not choose this life, this life chose me.

This is the biggest discussion in every household all over the globe. Everyone has their panties in a bunch over which power ranger they want to be. I mean to the point where it’s a little annoying.

Why would anyone want to be someone else. Just be yourself…geez.

And to top it off, they don’t want to be just anybody but EVERYBODY wants to be ME, the red ranger. I get it. He’s the best. His suit is the most attractive, his body looks great, his helmet is perfectly symmetrical, and man look at those black shades.

But the Power Ranger gods made you the less significant power rangers for a reason. Take your beef up with them, not me!

This is not up for debate or discussion. I couldn’t care less which actor played the red ranger in the TV series and movies….They're all imposters!

I’m the real red power ranger.

Now I know you probably think I’m crazy or a little “out of it” but there’s a valid reason why I was chosen.

It’s because my favorite color is red, I like to fight, and I look good in a silk onesie.

Sometimes it’s hard to be the red ranger. I get a lot of hate. Everybody wants my life! But I’m always reminded by an almost-quiet voice in my head saying, “This is who you are, so embrace it!” So I just shake it off. I know the haters gonna hate. Thanks T-Swift!

So if you ever hear your friends arguing over which power ranger they want to be…if you ever find yourself confused as to which power ranger you really are, remember… power rangers, they don’t exist.

Red Ranger signing off…

