Idaho, from the eyes of an Idahoan.

Thoughts And Ideas
Published in
2 min readFeb 2, 2019


Idaho is a unique place. Not because of the beautiful mountains and big sky’s. Not because of the vast landscapes of ever changing colors. Idaho is unique because of the people. The people here carry a curtesy, a smile, a sincerity that’s unmatched across this great nation. The perplexity and high defenses of the people who move here, find those guards melt away to the generosity of the good hearts occupying these lovely streets. Often heard are conversations of keeping this place a secret in a covetous manner. Idaho is fickle, seasonal, and tough. You need a strong self drive and motivation to make Idaho home. There isn’t much in the ways of entertainment and sadly, many people resolve to drinking or drugs to fill their idle hands. One thing in abundance shared amongst all communities across this nation is the common vices and addictions employed in boredom. Idaho is very isolated even though It may be in the middle of the Pacific Northwest. The nearest towns with a decent sized population are hundreds of miles away. If you are used to the hustle and bustle and almost tunnel vision you get from a bigger city, prepare for the opposite.

In recent years, Idaho has been taking on many refugees from diverse places around the Earth. Mostly Californian refugees trying to escape gentrification and in turn, gentrifying Idaho. It’s an interesting two edged sword we face while taking on such…

