I’m An African American Woman and I’m Thrilled Affirmative Action is Ending

Thoughts And Ideas
Published in
10 min readJul 4, 2023


Happy, carefree Black American woman enjoying the sun and fresh air.

Affirmative Action benefitted every “marginalized ” group you can think of more than it ever benefitted African-Americans. Now, the wool can be pulled back from everyone’s eyes and more American truths will be revealed.

The Emperor has no clothes.

Image from Shutterstock.com

For some reason, this is the quote that just came to me as I was thinking about the farce that is Affirmative Action.

Let’s get right into it, shall we?

Here’s the definition for Affirmative Action from investopedia.com:

Affirmative action refers to a policy aimed at increasing workplace and educational opportunities for people who are underrepresented in various areas of our society. It focuses on demographics with historically low representation in leadership and professional roles. It is often considered a means of countering discrimination against particular groups.

Businesses and governments commonly implement affirmative action programs by taking individuals' race, sex, religion, or national origin into account when hiring. It has been widely used in education settings in…



Thoughts And Ideas

Mompreneur. Writer. Web & Graphics Designer. Activist. Entrepreneur. CEO. Black in Tech. Educator. Millennial. Seeker of Truth. World Topics Discussed in Black