Is Wise Leadership The Right Kind Of Leadership?

Lord Paul Adam Mudd
Thoughts And Ideas
Published in
8 min readJan 3, 2023


Photo by Alex Shute on Unsplash

Recent research has shown how cultivating an inner dialogue can boost inner wisdom. It opens the mind to alternative perspectives and encourages objective distance and intellectual humility.

In turn this can lead us away from our biases, negativity, and stale assumptions and towards a deeper, more powerful mode of thinking.

So, First A Little Wisdom

“Wisdom comes when we call things by their proper name.”

What is wise leadership and how important is it right now?

Over the past few years related pieces have looked at and talked about leadership from all angles. This is based on wide experience and extensive work with leaders across multiple sectors, from the shop floor to the top-floor.

Most recently co-leadership, courageous leadership and extraordinary leadership have featured, and wise leadership is in part certainly about having the courage to choose a direction among complex and difficult options.

This requires a willingness to transcend the normal and the routine, with a strength of character to maintain a course of action when so much remains unknown, or simply unknowable.

I would contend though that it is also about being able to influence people to the extent…



Thoughts And Ideas
Thoughts And Ideas

Published in Thoughts And Ideas

An attempt to bring heart-touching and thought-provoking writing under one roof to make an impact.

Lord Paul Adam Mudd
Lord Paul Adam Mudd

Written by Lord Paul Adam Mudd

A Lord (Apparently) | Leadership Rockstar (Allegedly) | Philosopher Pirate (Probably) | & Best Selling Author + Writer Huff Post | Thrive Global | Medium (Yes)

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